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After a sex worker kills a high-ranking politician in self-defense, inside of a guarded hotel room, a witness calls from a building across the street and offers to help cover up the crime. But she questions her ally's motives when she learns he has a rifle aimed at her window.
Alice is a 20-something sex worker. After falling victim to a violent attack, she goes to the police to report the crime. But instead of being met with sympathy and understanding, she is dismissed and ridiculed.
Alice decides to try and find a safer, more conventional way to scrape together a living. But with the threat of eviction looming from her unforgiving landlord, Alice is forced back into the only line of work she knows. However, Alice does not return to the streets. Not to the red light district she is familiar with.
In the hopes of securing more money, she instead ventures into the wealthier part of town and wanders into a five star hotel, where she meets the man running for governor on his big election night. The governor-to-be solicits Alice for the night, but after Alice changes her mind, the man turns violent and Alice accidentally kills him in an act of self defense.
Before she can flee the scene, the phone in the hotel room rings. A mysterious caller tells Alice he witnessed the crime, but instead of calling the police, he offers to help her cover up the crime. With the caller's help, Alice must now clean up the scene of the crime, dispose of the body, and cover her tracks. All while a U.S Marshall guards the hotel room. And all before the election results are announced and the governor is expected to appear on stage in the convention hall downstairs.
But the caller wants one thing in spend the night with Alice. And the caller appears to possess an uncanny level of insight into murder. Without the Caller's knowledge, Alice hatches an elaborate plan to discover his identity. But when she discovers he has a sniper rifle aimed at the her... she must now rely only on herself to escape the law, and escape with her life.
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Interesting concept, Christian Hearn. I think your logline needs a better flow and more information. Something like: After a ________ (the main flaw that the main character has to overcome in the script or an adjective that describes the main character’s personality) sex worker kills a man in self-defense, she tries to/attempts to/fights to/struggles to/strives to/sets out to/fights/battles/etc. _______ (goal of story and try to add the obstacles here) to/so/in order to ________ (stakes)."
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