Rita Doyle Roberts: Screenwriter, other and animator.

Rita Doyle Roberts
It's contest time!

Contest deadlines are around the corner. I've recently completed the Screenwriting U ProSeries and have a new script ready to put out there. Is anyone else entering competitions this month? Happy to connect with all fun-loving creatives who thrive on expanding and elevating skills while sharing with our community.

Rita Doyle Roberts

Thank you, Kathryn :)

GENRE: Animation, Comedy, Family

A narcissistic foster mom befriends the monster under her daughter’s bed, which lands them on the self-help celebrity talk show circuit but leaves the girl in the hands of a monstrous nanny.

Margaree King Mitchell
Just Joined

I'm Margaree King Mitchell. I write books, plays, and screenplays. I live in Kansas City so I'm glad to learn of Stage 32 so I can connect with other creatives! A musical has been adapted from one of my books. It has been exciting interacting with the people who brought about this event. It made me...

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DJ Far

Margaree, welcome to Stage 32. Good to have you in the community!

Rita Doyle Roberts

Hi Margaree, how fabulous to se your book set to music! I miss Kansas City

Shawn Speake

Hey, Rita! Just checking out your profile, how's the shopping going?

Shawn Speake

Sorry about your rejection letter… but you're putting numbers on the board, and that's what's most important… Just entered my spec KINGSTOWN in the S32/HW Features contest. Polishing THE DEAD ONES to...

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Rita Doyle Roberts

Yep, one down. That's the way it goes. Good luck with those specs and contests. I plan to enter the S32 as well. Just received notes on GOOD NIGHT, CRONKITE so I'm gearing up for another pass. This sc...

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Shawn Speake

That's what's up! … Thanks for the well wishes, but the contest is nothing but a deadline for me - another day in the lab… I look forward to checking out some of your work.

Shawn Speake

Hey, Rita! Thanks for the add. I just left Colo, but I'll be back May 1. We should have a S32 Meetup in Colo this summer!

Rita Doyle Roberts

I know at least 5 people in Colorado, mostly writers, who are part of Stage 32. We definitely should do a meet up

Shawn Speake

Sounds great, Rita. In May, you'll have 6. I'll start planning the meetup then. Do you think downtown will be cool for everybody?

Rita Doyle Roberts

Working my way through Screenwriting U Pro Series 52. Are there any PS Alum here at Stage 32? I'd love to connect!

Rita Doyle Roberts

Hey Anthony, Thanks for connecting! Strange to think that PS52 is actually finished, isn't it?

Shawn Speake

Welcome, Rita. Great to have you!

Anthony Buono

I know, right? It's been an intense pay of daily for so many months, and now it's over. Great to be able to stay in touch with you. Let me know if I can help you out in any way. Would love to read your script too. It's gonna be a hit :)

Jo Hannah Afton

Hi Rita! :)

Rita Doyle Roberts

I keep running into you everywhere these days!

Reay Jespersen

Hi, Rita. Thanks for the invite to connect. The apparently requisite intro: I've got half a dozen screenplays done -- got some active industry interest in one but so far nothing sold -- and a handful TV show concepts half-pieced together. I'm seeking opportunities to make some connections to get som...

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Melinda Simonsen

Hello. Nice to connect with you.

Rita Doyle Roberts
Animation / family films

Although I didn't set out to write children's stories, my screenplays are perfectly condensed into deep, yet playful, emotional, therapeutic picture books for children, while the scripts appeal to adults as well. It makes a surprisingly copacetic combo of disciplines. Does anyone else have experience in both fields? I'd love to hear about your work!

Stage 32 Staff - Julie

Rita, that is the perfect blend I must say! Although I do not have any experience in both sides, But I'm sure you will find your fellow screenwriters might be able to lend their insight inside the screenwriting lounge :)

Amanda Toney

Hey Rita, first of all welcome to the community! Second, we have a ton of authors and children's authors here on the site I'm sure you'll find some great people to swap advice and collaborate with. All the best as you continue with your stories :)

Rita Doyle Roberts

Although I didn't set out to write children's stories, my screenplays are perfectly condensed into deep, yet playful, emotional, therapeutic picture books for children, while the scripts appeal to adults as well. It makes a surprisingly copacetic combo of disciplines. Does anyone else have experience in both fields? I'd love to hear about your work!

Amanda Toney

Great to have you here, Rita and best wishes on collaborating and making your project a reality :)

Rita Doyle Roberts

Thank you, Shannon! I have some social workers, therapists and teachers on board. Just need to find that "right" connection to really get the projects moving out into the world. So nice to meet you :)

Stage 32 Staff - Julie


Sami Hakkarainen

Hello Rita! How are you doing? Thank you for your invite. :)

Rita Doyle Roberts

Hi Sami, I'm outlining a new script, building an online art class and ready to celebrate my 50th birthday! Nice to meet you.

Darryl L Dillard

Hey Rita< Thanks for the request. Nice to meet you Have a great day

Rita Doyle Roberts

You too, Darryl. The leaves are turning here in the Southern Rockies -- pretty great day.

Curt Butler

... hi Rita, thx. for the invite, am glad to make your acquaintance.

Rita Doyle Roberts

Back at you, Curt. Thanks!

Rita's network

Blaq Deen
Rayner Guerra
Tim Beck
Rinat Yulushev
Rob M Worley
Mike Hall
Christian Orlandi
Lochlainn Seabrook
Tom Eboli
Ashanti Altovese Griffin
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