Unfilmable Action As screenwriters we have an extremely difficult job that requires us to paint a thousand-word picture with as few words as possible, and to repeat this sixty or more times with every scene. To make matters worse, these micro visuals are reserved for the few lines after our scene heading [read: not the dialogue]. For many, this lands somewhere between prose and a journalist’s outline of facts, most of which is unfilmable. For instance: JOHN DOE (39) wears a wrinkled polyester suit, his face is unshaven and his scent alone could start a 4- alarm fire, because he’s been at the bar to drink away his painful divorce that was finalized 12 years ago. He has a hard time with change. Everything after ‘unshaven’ is technically unfilmable. Meaning that even if your reader likes what you wrote, your audience will not be able to see it on screen. The bigger problem here is that this is where the writer’s all important voice is able to be showcased. So how do you show your way with words while creating compelling visuals that make a page-turning read? You have to know why the scene exists. In this example John is being introduced, what is the most important thing we need to know? Is it that he didn’t shave, or he might have a drinking problem? Or he reeks of alcohol? Even though it depends on what story you’re telling, the fact of the matter is that even if one of these things is more important than the other, the most interesting thing is that John has a hard time with change. How in the hell do you film that and establish all of these other details that are going to ruin John’s day and set your story gears into motion while showcasing your flair for stringing together 26 characters into poetic cadence? When it comes to unfilmable visuals, keep them brief and few and far between. So the above becomes: JOHN DOE (39) has been drinking J.D. since 9 a.m., the bartender slides him a water. John climbs over the bar and grabs the bottle of J.D. – it’s spent. The only technically unfilmable part of this action is that he’s been drinking since 9 a.m., but those few words clearly give us a visual of what we’re dealing with and does so with an economy of words. The costumers and makeup artists can worry about what his suit and face should look like, your job is to convey a line of action that leads to another. We can find out later he hasn’t gotten over his divorce, we don’t need it all at once (and often, we don’t need it at all). Unfilmables are okay, but make sure they create a visual that is absolutely crucial to conveying a feeling in your scene and that they do not slow the main action / goal of the scene. But most importantly make sure the visual you are creating is interesting. We are not set designers, costumers, cinematographers or acting coaches. Nor are we novelists or journalists. We put words on paper that become visuals projected on screen, make sure those words are clear, dynamic, necessary and most importantly, they lead to the next string of words. If it were easy, it would cease to be fun. Have fun.
Welcome to LA Jessica. I just moved here myself and looking to collaborate with other writers. Hope we can meet someday
Hey Jessica, good to finally meet you!
Hi Jessica. Welcome. I would like some feedback on my pilot as well. Maybe we should help each other
Hi Jessica, nice to meet u!
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