Steven Morris's Lounge Discussions

Jess Waters

Been on this site forever, but I never actually introduced myself. I'm a screenwriter who just moved out to LA. I'm looking to collab with directors, producers, and all other creatives to hopefully make a few short films. Feel free to message, I'm always looking for feedback on my work, and will gladly watch/read anyone else's work.

Kelly Azia

Welcome to LA Jessica. I just moved here myself and looking to collaborate with other writers. Hope we can meet someday

Mike W. Rogers

Hey Jessica, good to finally meet you!

Nina Corynne

Hi Jessica. Welcome. I would like some feedback on my pilot as well. Maybe we should help each other

S.J. Robinson

Hi Jessica, nice to meet u!

Teophiel Weston

Hello fellow artists,

My name is Teophiel Oriteo Weston or Teo for short and I am taking the time to introduce myself so hi.

Shawn Speake

What's good, Teo!

Teophiel Weston

Living life, moving one step at a Shawn. Whats good with you?

Gary Smiley


Shawn Speake

My man... I'm a working actor, producer, screenwriter finishing another screenplay. Lead storyteller for BIG BOSS FILMS in Denver.... Basically, I'm not shit, jus another dude trying to get out of the d-league :) What about U? What are your goals on S32?

Teophiel Weston

I enjoy networking man, I made my debut in film earlier this year in February and each month has thankfully been more lucrative than the one before whether it be through the knowledge I have attained, experience I've accumulated, or people i have had the honor of meeting.

Steven Morris
Hi Tech Shit

So I've noticed more and more complaints about movies lacking plot and characters and replacing them with high tech action scenes and effects. And we're talking big movies.

While, I know some people want to presume they're critics. I usually ignore them but fan reviews/critics are chiming in on this....

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Pierre Langenegger

Correct Dan, plenty of shit movies in every era, but we tend to comment on what's current.

Bill Costantini

Agree with Dan. And just thinking off the top of my head of films that pioneered various elements of CGI - Avatar, Titanic, Final Fantasy, Fight Club, Toy Story, Lords of the Ring, Tron, even Westworl...

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John Roland

I think the problem right now is an over-reliance on pre-existing intellectual properties, that studios think have such a built in audience that story development isn't being given much thought. The r...

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Steven Morris
Simple yet understated often

Don't overthink it!

Lance Ness
Stage 32 comedy contest

I made the quarterfinals. I am one of fifty hoping for that big break. Someone thinks "Zombies on my Campus" is funny. Wish me luck.

Izzibella Beau

congrats...good luck

Natalie Farst

That is awesome news!!!! Hope this keeps going for ya!!

LindaAnn Loschiavo

Good luck --- keep us posted. Fine work you've done!

Linda Bradshaw-Rogers


Lance Ness

Well I didn't advance, but I have entered another contest and see what they say. And I'm talking to a few people via the Internet. Maybe someone will grab it.

Anthony McBride

I am having the hardest time rewriting my script. I don't know where to begin or where to end. Any suggestions?

Diane Alpaio

Hi Anthony from time to time Screenwriting U holds a free rewrite teleconference which I've taken and enjoyed. You can check their site at best, Diane...

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Erik A. Jacobson

Always outline your script before you start. You don't build a house without a blueprint. My best advice would be to read Linda Seger's "Making a Good Script Great" and follow the suggestions.

Kathi Carey

I start macro and then go micro -- meaning start with the overarching stuff like structure, beats, character development, voice, etc. and then go smaller with scene work, dialogue, tightening narrative, stuff like that. When you do it that way it's actually RE-WRITING instead of EDITING.

Jorge J Prieto

You have great advice. Try printing, then checking line by line (which I hate bth) and if you have someone you trust hopefully another writer, have them read it for clarity/feedback. Erik's advice to get Dr. Seger's book is a great idea, the woman is a pro. Good luck.

Anne Devina Reeve

Do I have to put tech stuff into a script ...I know you have to put action .....but lighting uh oh me no understand ....

Steven Morris
Where do you write?

I write any and everywhere but not always in the tangible sense. My ideal place to write is near water and outdoors. The sounds of running water that I don't have to pay for motivates my writing. I'd love a week long writing session at a beach house or cabin on the lake with a fireplace, and tons of...

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Chris Hind

Cafes. All the background noise keeps me focused. The other perk is that cafes provide an endless supply of characters and overheard dialogue ideas,

Antonio Ingram

This is going to sound really depressing but I like being shut in my room with the blinds shut and dark lighting while I sit on my bed and write. Or sometimes I like to sit near a window where I can s...

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Erik Grossman

In a bar. At my computer. In the tub.

Philip Sedgwick

@Eric. So you liked Trumbo, did ya?

William Martell

I also sit in a chair in front of Dan's computer....

Alden Tan
So I am learning how to write scripts now, any tips? In the mean time, anything else I can do to really get my foot in the industry?

Hey guys,

Call this an ambitious question from a newbie, but I figured I just go all out.

I am reading up on how to write scripts now. I am also reading original screenplays out there.

Could anyone share their experience on writing scripts and pitching them?

Also, I don't mean to be that "idea only" t...

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Craig D Griffiths

If you want to start writing try this. Write a single scene of two people in a room talking. The entire world we live in boils down to people interacting with people. See if you can tell a story with...

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C Harris Lynn

Record all of those ideas, then go back later and try fleshing them out. Develop the ones that you find "have legs." :)

Danny Manus

Alden, congrats on starting to learn. thats great. but youre asking the wrong questions. youre years away from being ready to pitch or look at pitch sites or agents. Just learn the craft. you will NOT...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Hey Alden. Click on Blog from the top menu bar and then hit the Screenwriting tag on the blog page. You'll find dozens and dozens of screenwriting guest blogs posted here from the last 5 years.

B.V Jottsonne

You can read all of the 2016 awards scripts. In many cases reading them will be a lot more painless than watching them and you can avoid the Coca-Cola ads.

Steven Morris
Less is More and A little Patience goes a Long way

In an industry where the wolves outnumber the sheep, things can get barbaric. And make no mistake about it, we are the wolves and growing fast in numbers. We're so determined and practical, all the while too consumed by deadlines, perfection, and ideas, we forget how fun this can be. Most people can...

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Steven Morris

INT. PLANE (MIDDLE OF THE OCEAN) - SUNSET GUARDS beam a green, four-foot FUGITIVE. He whistles and dangles feet. Flashes over to an intimidatingly beautiful, SIREN who shifts uncomfortable. His infatu...

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How to self-promote...

I love to write, and spend a lot of time "living in my head"; but I am not a natural networker or social butterfly. At all. A question for all you shy, introvert writers out there: what methods do you use to be your own best advocate?

Serafin Soto

I'm shy, until I figure what I truly want and if its truly necessary.

Serafin Soto

@Dan MaxXx if you're going to push,... only push as much and you can handle being pushed back. I'm pushy, I know, I've been knocked down plenty of times. So push with pure intention or be crushed when...

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Craig D Griffiths

Okay this is the best advice you will ever hear. If you are talking about the business side of your writing then learn some marketing techniques, it can be simple. I'd listen to two podcasts 1) Seth G...

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Jody Ellis

Not huge on self-promotion, but I think one issue many writers have is that rather bizarre (imo) fear of their ideas getting "stolen" and as a result they sit on their work rather than getting it out...

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Bill Costantini

Dan MaxXx: And the dozen or so rejections that she encountered - including one with a "don't quit your day job" reply - didn't stop her from continuing to try...and try...and try.... ...and the rest,...

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Desiree Middleton
Sitting in the dust, staring at the mountain.

Do you ever have one of those days where you're climbing the screenwriting mountain, you look back and clap your hands in joy because you're finally getting some traction, only to get knocked back down to the bottom of the mountain? What words of wisdom do you whisper to yourself or tape to your lap...

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Beth Fox Heisinger

Well everyone's mountain is different, or there's no mountain at all. Perhaps it's really ourselves we're battling, our will. Tackling one goal at a time and moving on to the next may be a better appr...

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Desiree Middleton

@Claude @Beth I'm on my lunch break. Pondering the responses. I've decided my mountain needs either a stick of strategically placed dynamite, or a highly-advanced alien weapon that can convert the molecule of the mountain into a gaseous state. I'm going for the latter.

Linda Bradshaw-Rogers

...and the beat goes on, Desiree!!

Desiree Middleton

Thanks @Claude. Thank you @Linda.

Anthony Moore

I go back and re-read one of my earlier works. The comparison between where I was and where I am now gives me the inspiration to move on. Or I read a book or novel that inspires me to reach down deep...

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Jorge J Prieto
Antagonists - Do we need to feel Empathy for them?

I don't know about any of you, but as a screenwriter and even as an audience member, I enjoy antagonist whom I feel some form of empathy for or I understand where their flows come from. Am I alone? Bellow is a content share from Script, that reinforces my question. Hope it helps and please leave me...

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WHAT'S IN A MIND?: Understanding Antagonists
WHAT'S IN A MIND?: Understanding Antagonists
The antagonist is arguably the most complex and fascinating character. Script analyst, Kayley Loveridge, explains how to create the perfect engaging and complex antagonist.
Wesley S. Miles

I've recently read some great articles and script examples where the main character / hero could be viewed as the antagonist or cases where the mentor / sidekick character takes the shape of antagonis...

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Steven Morris

You're not alone. Feeling empathy for antagonist strengths stories and is almost needed for survival. We don't have to defend allegations or anything about us but we do. Like storytellers want to divu...

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Linda Burdick

The antogonist is the protagonist in his own story. He needs a well developed backstory: even Satan knows love as he was cast down from the highest throne of angels in heaven.

Jorge J Prieto

Steven Morris: You know, I kinda of, for a brief moment, felt empathy for the Joker in The Dark Knight. When he was telling his story as to how his father cut his face as a child. So, yeah we as human...

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Al Hibbert

"Here's the everlasting rub- neither am I good nor bad"- Ian Anderson (the Jethro Tull guy, not the Ian Anderson who posts on stage 32).

Steven Morris
Rule # 231: no excuses! write like a champion.

I'd gladly get lost on an island with an unlimited supply of paper and pens. And Sprite, of course. I just can't seem to find the time to write or edit. Then when I "think" have it. I just sit. It's frustrating honestly. How do you find or manipulate time to write? Better yet, what do you sacrifice for the love pen and paper?

Matt Hurd

I'm a night owl, so I typically work in the evening for a few hours at least. Based on your question, I also think it's worth noting that you don't have to write every day to be successful. There's mo...

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Steven Morris

Clever Jim. I see what you did there. What a great analogy, Matt. I erased homework from my vocabulary after graduation. I'll find it though and create my own assignments. Funny thing, I use to do the...

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William Martell

When I had my day job and often worked 48 hours a week doing manual labor, my rule was that I had to write one good page before going to work. Only one page. I carved out an hour every day for that pa...

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Brad Rushing

Maybe get in the habit of jotting down notes or recording messages when inspiration strikes at inopportune times. Then pull these out to ignite your imagination when you do have time to commit pen to paper.

Steven Morris

Lol I do. I carry the pocket size composition notebooks around all the time.

G.R. Barnett
Ugh, synopsis

I hate writing synopsis's. HATE IT! Is there any part of the screenwriting process that you absolutely hate? I hate it because I always feel like I'm leaving something out when I write a very short synopsis, even so I realize no one's going to read a treatment that's longer than a page or two but go...

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G.R. Barnett

What is Ginger, Judith? Kevin: LOL I must be doing it wrong then, I start with the screenplay then devise a logline for it. I'm one of those writers that doesn't start off knowing all the twists and t...

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Judith Ann Mc Dowell

Hi G.R., Ginger is soft ware that helps the writer edit and it will also read aloud what you have written. I love mine. It does not care what the words are the reader plows right on. LOL.

Judith Ann Mc Dowell

G.R., you can check it out.

Izzibella Beau

I agree with Kevin. Loglines are the worst. It's hard enough to keep a story under 100 pages, then to write a 2 page summary, but one sentence to capture interest is nearly impossible.

Craig D Griffiths

Loglines not so bad. Go to for practice, helping other really sharpens your own skill. But a treatment I hate. I know my ending when I start and how it will flow. But I am crap at prose, so treatment is hard.

Doug Nelson
Hey Screenwriters...Can we talk?

I see that many of you say ”it's the story that matters” and that's certainly true. So let me ask you; what makes a story good? Who does it matter to? Those of you more mercenary types will have a different take – are they right/wrong, why and who says so? Lets get a discussion going that is beneficial to all.

Laurie Ashbourne

I think it's a perfect summation Regina. It certainly highlights what I meant when saying, worry about learning the business and the craft and it will serve you as a writer much better than picking apart what others are doing. There are countless roads in but only one destination.

Regina Lee

Thank you, Laurie, because I know that I'm a crappy "summarizer," exacerbated by the fact that I'm often trying to write quickly so I can get back to the 10-page outline that I need to respond to now! :-)

Regina Lee

And agree with Laurie - in terms of career growth, we can each only work on ourselves and what is in our own control. In terms of non-entertainment societal change and social good, of course, you have...

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Beth Fox Heisinger

Hey everyone, the latest blog post is in response to some of these questions/thoughts about S32 and "success," perhaps give it a read:

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Bill Costantini

Personally speaking, "what makes a story good" - or any piece of art - is if I like it. That answer is purely subjective and a personal answer, based on my own needs and aesthetic values. I would neve...

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Steven Morris
Actions speak louder than dialogue.

To the point. After reading a few post, I wonder if my protagonist, who has said about 10 words in 20 pages, lacks development. He suffers from memory loss so most of what you learn or understand from him is from his actions. Does character development need dialogue, per say? Or how would you go abo...

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William Martell

Check out ROAD WARRIOR - all kinds of information through Max's actions. The key is to make sure the actions give us specific information about the character - and not just the surface of the characte...

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David E. Gates

Clint Eastwood famously removed pages of dialogue from the spaghetti western scripts because he was able to convey so much more with a simple look.

Jorge J Prieto

Less is more. David, or Eastwood said it best.

Steven Morris

Thanks for all the great advice.

Laurie Ashbourne
Today's Wish and Creative Tip

Unfilmable Action As screenwriters we have an extremely difficult job that requires us to paint a thousand-word picture with as few words as possible, and to repeat this sixty or more times with every scene. To make matters worse, these micro visuals are reserved for the few lines after our scene he...

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Bill Costantini

Not to change the subject, but Laurie's link to reminded me about Brad Johnson's 52-Week Script Challenge. He has PDF links to great scripts there, and the stories are across genres...

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Jorge J Prieto

Laurie: Thanks. You are too kind x 100 with your time. I get it. I must say when I was writing, The Secret Dancer, which is loose biographical (my story) I listened to free style dance songs of that y...

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Regina Lee

Hi Laurie, maybe you're thinking about TIME AFTER TIME?

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Laurie Ashbourne

Hi Regina - I hadn't read that story, thanks! That wasn't the script I meant though, it was a spec script that was sent out with a CD and the writer had notes within the pages as to play track # _ her...

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Laurie Ashbourne

Yes! My brain works. It was Zach Helms' STRANGER THAN FICTION. He distributed the script with a CD of punk rock, really wanting to invoke a grittier script that what ended up being on screen.

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