Thanks for connecting, and hello from Texas.
Hey Scott, Thank you for the connection. Best Wishes in everything that you do.
Hi Scott! Thanks for connecting! Here are two links. A recent cereal commercial - - and an unlisted commercial - . In case you're interested, here is my Facebook Fan Page: , Twitter: http://www...
Expand postHi Scott! Thanks for connecting! Here are two links. A recent cereal commercial - - and an unlisted commercial - . In case you're interested, here is my Facebook Fan Page: , Twitter: and YouTube: I'll be more than happy to return the favour of a like/follow! :)
Can't quite figure out this site - when I click on "Approve Network Request" it takes me to a busy page seemingly connected to nothing in particular - but by clicking on the name or face, it takes us to the message writer - and what are you hiding in your mouth? Do you have a cigarette in your mouth...
Expand postCan't quite figure out this site - when I click on "Approve Network Request" it takes me to a busy page seemingly connected to nothing in particular - but by clicking on the name or face, it takes us to the message writer - and what are you hiding in your mouth? Do you have a cigarette in your mouth and trimmed the picture to hide it? I'll tell your mother, you bad boy.
Thanks for connecting. Already won 4 script Awards : Now looking for funding &/or Producers. We do pay a finder's Fee. Please let me know...If you are Interested? or Someone you know are interested. Work over 25 yrs of Standup Comedy, performing over 1000 shows Won be...
Expand postThanks for connecting. Already won 4 script Awards : Now looking for funding &/or Producers. We do pay a finder's Fee. Please let me know...If you are Interested? or Someone you know are interested. Work over 25 yrs of Standup Comedy, performing over 1000 shows Won best Doc 2000/2001 It's about a Standup Comedian "Saving Face a true Doc" & my Website: plus I will follow you back on :) my Website:
I came across this article by Adam Grant on LinkedIn the other day and it dawned on me how important this information may be for all of us in the industry. After reading this it seems very possible (if not exceedingly easy) to commit some of these errors in a misguided attempt to impress or gain fav...
Expand postI came across this article by Adam Grant on LinkedIn the other day and it dawned on me how important this information may be for all of us in the industry. After reading this it seems very possible (if not exceedingly easy) to commit some of these errors in a misguided attempt to impress or gain favor. If You Do This, Your Emails Might Be Rude May 15, 2014 When we walk up to introduce ourselves to strangers, we intuitively follow basic cultural rules of politeness. Don’t launch into a monologue about yourself. Don’t look over their shoulder to see if someone more important is nearby. Don’t invade personal space, or you’ll be branded as a close talker. On email, though, it’s the Wild West. The internet and social media have made it effortless to contact strangers: even many influential people are just a click away. When I speak with influencers, they are often shocked by the everyday rudeness in emails from strangers. What does it take to avoid alienating the very people with whom we’re hoping to connect? Here are nine rules for polite email outreach: Don’t ask strangers to… 1. Acknowledge that they received your email Electronic return receipts are a thing of the past, and I know many people who interpret them as a sign that you (a) are paranoid, (b) have an inflated sense of your own worth, or (c) have just emerged from a 20-year coma and are unaware of mailer-daemons and delivery status notifications. If your message goes unanswered, you can always resend it a couple weeks later. 2. Share your content on social media What if they don’t like your material? An explicit request to circulate puts people in an awkward position: they can say no and look rude, or drop the ball and look disorganized. It’s more polite to just send them your content along with a sentence about why it’s up their alley, and end it there. If they like it enough, they’ll share it—and they’ll do it more enthusiastically, because it’s based on intrinsic motivation rather than obligation. 3. Provide feedback on something you’ve created If you’re seeking input on a product, service, technology, document, or idea, it’s an awful lot to ask a stranger to engage with your work and comment on it. Whereas feedback requires a lot of effort, advice can be much less time-consuming. Try asking for guidance on a specific question or dilemma that you’re facing, and you’ll be more likely to get a response. 4. Jump on a call today or tomorrow If you’re asking the favor, the onus is on you to be flexible. Ask if they might be willing to talk sometime in the next month or two, and let them suggest some times. 5. Name some times for a meeting It’s a red flag when people feel entitled to a face-to-face conversation. A friendlier option is to ask strangers if they’re willing to meet, or if there’s a more convenient way for them to communicate with you. 6. Introduce you to specific people in their networks It’s not fair to ask people to put their relationships on the line for someone they don’t know. Instead, ask if they know anyone who might be a good source of insight on a particular topic, and they may suggest a person who they feel comfortable connecting. After strangers respond to your initial message, don’t… 7. Email them every day—or even every week Stalker alert! People sometimes interpret a polite reply from a stranger as an offering of friendship. If you’re tempted to reach out too regularly, try saving your points in a draft email, and then prune at the end of the month. Intermittent reinforcement can be a powerful thing. 8. Immediately introduce them to someone else This can come across as using your newfound access to gain status or influence with the third party. The safe bet here is to simply ask for permission first: “I thought you two might enjoy a chat for the following reason. Are you interested in connecting?" 9. Invite them to collaborate You just proposed marriage on the second date. Try having a dialogue first, and explore whether working together might prove mutually beneficial. All I Ask Of You Thanks for reading this post—I just have a few requests. Will you please like it so I know you read it, and share it on all of your social media platforms? I await your comments on the best parts of this post and how I could have improved it; let’s discuss by phone today. I’ll drop by your office Monday for lunch. That will be the perfect time for you to introduce me to your boss’s boss. To firm up the plans, I’ll check in with you again tomorrow. In the meantime, I’ve sent an email introducing you to my dentist. He's great, and I know you’ll be very interested in his work, so I gave him your cellphone number. Oh, and we should totally write together—you’ll learn a lot from me. Finally, please rate my wife on "hot or not". *** Adam is a Wharton professor and the author of Give and Take: Why Helping Others Drives Our Success. His Twitter handle is @AdamMGrant, his free newsletter is at www dot giveandtake dot com, and his dentist is Michael Smith, DDS.
HI Scott, thanks for connecting.
I'm a script supervisor who writes. I divide my time between the Dallas/ Fort Worth area and Los Angeles. I've written several scripts but only have one I'd consider ready. I'm in a writers group led by an Oscar nominated screenwriter who has taken our writing leagues beyond what any of us thought p...
Expand postI'm a script supervisor who writes. I divide my time between the Dallas/ Fort Worth area and Los Angeles. I've written several scripts but only have one I'd consider ready. I'm in a writers group led by an Oscar nominated screenwriter who has taken our writing leagues beyond what any of us thought possible. If you have any questions I'll definitely answer and I'm always happy to help.
Hey Scott - good to meet you.