Bikash Biswas: Filmmaker and screenwriter in Calcutta, India.

Frederik Sand Hansen
Ready to help

Hallo Everybody I'm a young guy som just having finished high school in Denmark, with focus on Media Studies. I really want to make movies whether it is music videos, commercials, short or feature film. I just want to learn and experience the film world, so I have something in your luggage before I...

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Rick Jey

Welcome again Frederick. I enjoyed your You Tube presentation. What will your next project consist of? I am involved in an International audience film on anti-trafficking that is being directed by Ode...

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Frederik Sand Hansen

Thank you, it would be my pleasure to collaborate with you. At this moment I'm in the middle of rewriting scripts for two short films I have been working on. which I find hard because I'm still learni...

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Rick Jey

Thanks for your response Frederick. I too, have been busy. Sorry for my late response. How are your projects going. Please connect with me on Instagram @rick jey

Bikash Biswas

A bus stop. Two unknown persons. One packet. A story begins...

Liam Lacy
Reading Scripts

I'm curious to know how regularly the writers here read produced (or unproduced) screenplays. As well as that, what was your favourite? Mine would probably be Almost Famous, I love Cameron Crowe's style.

Jorge J Prieto

Great question, Liam. I read from time to time, produced scripts and a few from fellow screenwriters here on Stage 32. Last produce script I read was "Spotlight" It was a subject matter close to home. Peace buddy.

Nancy Newbauer

Absolutely love reading scripts ... and novels. I think "Whiplash" was an amazing script. Right now I'm trying to get my hands on the script for "The Story of Your Life" (aka "Arrival") - have heard wonderful things about it!

Michael Faunce-Brown

Try my Slave Children

R J. Filsell
What makes a badass?

Hi folks, Okay, some advice please; Completed my first draft. It's a multicultural London gang story; Everyone chasing the mcguffin through this criminal underworld. I've given it to a few close friends to read. They like the story and think it plays well. Some minor dialogue changes needed. But, I...

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Bill Costantini

Meryl Streep as Miranda Priestley was the ultimate bad-ass, too. She has played a lot of bad asses - not nasty like Miranda, but a lot of her characters have had bad-ass qualities. Ultimately....what...

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Douglas Eugene Mayfield

Bill. I like your example, Miranda Priestly. Sometimes I think people confuse action/violence with good high intensity conflict but she is definitely BA without action/violence.

William Martell

BILLY JACK talks a helluva lot before he kicks someone's ass. Question is: was this comment really about how much the character speaks, or about how little action they have?

Amit Kumar Vashisth
Heyya Hi There! to all :)

Hi everyone, I am Amit, an actor from Mumbai, India. Ive trained from the Film and Television Institute of India. I am logging after quite some time here; on one of my favorite and most vibrant networking portals in our field. Ive worked in theater, short films, corporate films, student films, telev...

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Jeremiah O.B

Wlcme Amit!

Amit Kumar Vashisth

Thank you Bikash :)

Amit Kumar Vashisth

Thanks Jeremiah :)

Stage 32 Job Alert
Music Composer hired through Stage 32 Jobs

Miles Ito, a Music Composer from Los Angeles, California was just hired for the project titled "Books - a short film - composer needed". Congratulations!

Alex Holland


Bikash Biswas


Christian Pius

Congratulations, Miles. I look forward to jobs like this. I am a singer-songwriter. I will be uploading a pop ballad tune on my profile page soon.

Chris Calzia
Winner at the Creative World Awards!

My screenplay, BLACK HOLE MOJO, a southern mystery crime thriller, takes 1st place in the horror/thriller/fantasy category in the Creative World Awards! Choose your screenwriting competitions wisely screenwriters, otherwise you're just throwing money away on submission costs. Find the right competition that will acknowledge and recognize your script.

Linda Bradshaw-Rogers


Alex Holland

Congratulations Chris!

Bikash Biswas

Congratualation Chris Calzia Wish you all the best for your next too!

Vivek Singhania
Producer looking to for micro budget fiction feature film scripts from around the world

Hi There I am a Producer in India. You can see my profile on: I am interested to read micro budget scripts from writers or directors or writer directors to produce and promote globally Must be fiction and feature length and of interest to young people across the g...

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Bikash Biswas

Thanks for this post. I'll talk about some of the ideas I have if you are interested on your wall.

Matt Hurd

Welcome Vivek! Best of luck in your search! I'd also suggest posting this in the S32 Jobs section to help find other writers.

Erik Grossman

Love me some microbudgets!

Philip Sedgwick
Film Festival Selections

Announced today, my script, An Undocumented Rumor, is an official selection in the Global Script Challenge at the Oaxaca Film Festival. As well, a script I was hired to rewrite with Grisel Wilson, Ixmucané, is also an official selection at Oaxaca. Earlier this year, this script won the Golden Palm A...

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Bikash Biswas


Natalie Farst

That is awesome news!!!

Philip Sedgwick

Thank you all! Will keep you posted.

Bikash Biswas

New way of looking at life will give us real new stories.

Amanda Toney

Hello Bikash -

Welcome to the community! I'm Amanda Toney, the Managing Director at Stage 32. Since 2013 I've been proud to oversee Stage 32's Next Level Education, which provides you the most up-to-date tools necessary to become a better creative.

Over the years Stage 32 has worked with over 500 industry executives and professionals to teach online webinars, classes and intensive labs exclusively for you - our Stage 32 community. We bring you instructors who have worked directly on some of your favorite films, TV shows or theater productions to teach you in-the-trenches information that you w...

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Bikash Biswas

Thanks for your message, Amanda! Thank you.

Amanda Toney

Bikash, you're welcome. Glad to have you in the Stage 32 community.

Richard "RB" Botto

Hi Bikash. I'm RB, Founder and CEO of Stage 32. As a screenwriter, producer, actor and filmmaker, I know first-hand the challenges all creatives face finding work, landing representation, launching projects, securing funding and simply making the connections that will make a difference in their careers. That's why I created Stage 32. Since our launch in September of 2011, the community has grown to 1,000,000+ members representing every country on the planet making Stage 32 the social network uniquely populated with the most creative people on Earth.

This is a network for you, built by you. Like...

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Bikash Biswas

Thank you very much Richard, RB! Thanks for your message! Wish you all the best!

Richard "RB" Botto

You are so very welcome, Bikash! Terrific to have you in the community, my friend!

Bikash's network

Jonathan Diamond
Blaq Deen
Lennon River
Rayner Guerra
Federico Aletta
Makaria Elixabete
SR Kui
Stephen George
William Frank Georgi
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