Three high school girls plan to have the summer of their lives but their plans are destroyed when ghosts and demons are released from a portal and have other plans.
Try adding where these all happens, who are these friends? Ex: Three H.S. male friends or childhood friends, go away to their favorite summer beach town, unaware of the danger that awaits them when evil spirits are...
Try to raise the stakes without telling us everything, but the essentials, who the protagonist is, the antagonist (which u did) the stakes? Their lives. And where? Hope this helps?
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Try adding where these all happens, who are these friends? Ex: Three H.S. male friends or childhood friends, go away to their favorite summer beach town, unaware of the danger that awaits them when evil spirits are...
Try to raise the stakes without telling us everything, but the essentials, who the protagonist is, the antagonist (which u did) the stakes? Their lives. And where? Hope this helps?
Jorge J Prieto Thank you so much for your feedback. I will do that!
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Sound like a terrific idea. It has a lot of possibilities.
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