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By Matt Hausmann

GENRE: Thriller, Horror

A woman with schizophrenia is haunted by the ghosts of her sister, who she believes is still alive as she comes to the realization that she killed her along with her husband.


Abby, late 30’s, vacuums her apartment that looks like there was a fight with broken items scattered around. She dwells on a folded picture of herself and Saul, her boyfriend. Confused, Saul comes in from being asleep from the bedroom. He notices blood on Abby’s hands and forearms. She quickly wipes them off and there’s no blood to be found. Saul remains firm with what he saw. A creepy stuffed dog watches them from a corner of the room.

They hear noise coming from their bedroom – the screams of a woman, loud banging, and a fight. They apprehensively make their way into the room where Saul can’t find anything out of place. Abby sees a frightening ghost woman who eerily sits next to Saul and shrieks at him, but he sees nothing. The Ghost terrifyingly chases Abby out of their apartment and into the hallway where Saul is even more confused by Abby’s actions since he hasn’t seen the Ghost. Worried, Saul wants Abby to go to the doctor to get checked out.

Abby drives an SUV towing a boat behind it. She races down the road in the dark of night, having told an insisting Saul that he cannot drive. After a near accident where the SUV swerves out of control, Abby regains control and backs up to a lake, all while the Ghost is still haunting her - and she is still denying Saul any answers.

She finally reveals what’s going on, by uncovering what lies in the backseat. It’s a female body - it’s Gwen, Saul’s wife, and the same woman as the Ghost. Then, Saul finds his own lifeless corpse next to Gwen. Saul disappears. The radio puts out a statewide warning for an escaped mental hospital patient who is considered armed and dangerous: Abby.

Abby flips out and stabs the stuffed dog several times for staring at her. Moments later, Abby bandaged the dog up, loaded the bodies, and evidence into the boat on the lake. She tosses her bloody clothes from a mental asylum and an ID bracelet that reads schizophrenia on it into a bag.

On the boat, Abby tosses the bodies over to their icy graves and unzips the back of the stuffed dog to reveal a nanny camera. She plays the footage revealing: Abby murdered both Gwen and Saul in their apartment, with Gwen managing to stab Abby in the stomach. Moments later, Abby vacuums, then some invisible force embraces her: Saul.

In Abby’s mind, Ghost Gwen comes out of the water and drags Abby down with her, not before saying: “Sisters forever”. Abby dies from the stomach wound and falls off the boat.

The folded picture from the beginning shows Abby, Saul, and Gwen, all together – it, like the characters, sink to the depths of the lake.

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