Terence Rosemore's Lounge Discussions

Meir Sabbah
Tamir Yardenne

The Sixth Sence.

Stephen Maina

Five fingers! The reveal at the end was just brutal. Fishburne at hist best too

Niksa Maric

The Usual Suspects.

Kevin Gamble

Midsommar (2019)

Kerry F Booth

Birdy. Older Nic Cage / Matt Modine film. I’m assuming if you read the book it is based on, the ending wouldn’t be surprising, but it knocked me for a loop.

Terence Rosemore
What I turn into after 11pm

When I'm not making movies I'm.... http://youtu.be/vNQFvc1q178

Richard "RB" Botto
Breaking Bad! Let's discuss!

Let this serve as the forum for the final season. How will it end? Who survives? Will Walt get his? Will Jesse ever break free? Will Junior eat lunch instead of breakfast? Will Marie wear any other color besides purple? Discuss!

L.A. Eide

I wrote a blog post for every "Bad" episode on http://sobrietybytamingyourego.com. As another blogger also noted, "Breaking Bad" is a modern-day take on the ancient Greek tragedy. Walter White is wond...

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L.A. Eide

Also, even though I bought into most of the wild, outlandish W.W. schemes like the thermite blowing the door off at the local warehouse and the battery-super magnet erasing the data Gus' hard drive, I...

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Andrea Thompson

L.A. - that magnet scene was hilarious, you must admit. Talk about far-fetched, but I agree with you, I went with it and thought it was one of the best series ever.

L.A. Eide

This is a shameless example of self-promotion but honestly, I think I have put aside my ego-generated pride enough to say this with a straight face: my book idea, "The 'Bad' Cure for Any Addiction", i...

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Kobi Epstein

found this fun article (from a writer perspective) breaking bad vs sopranos: https://faceoffdb.com/battle-report/breaking-bad-vs-sopranos-the-ultimat......

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Nikki April Lee
Most common mistakes in screenplays....

For those who usually critique screenplays, what are some of the most common mistakes made by screenwriters in their scripts?

Michael Paul Ashlock

The common downfall of screenplays that I've witnessed is one dimentional characters and over used stereotypical characters. Such as the doughnut eating cop. If characters are flat then so is the screenplay.

Mark Ratering

michael i see your point to a point, The actor needs to bring whatever is missing to the table, The director also will polish the penny, We as writers can do so much as putting the clay on the table buuuut the film-makers make the Sculpture.

Mark Ratering

michael i am finishing my script, need 3 weeks and i will send to you , it's all sterotypes. Believe me you will like it and laugh!!

Stephanie Bourbon (Olivieri)

I agree with Michael, I see that all the time. Writers don't want to put their characters through hell and things are too easy for them. As well as formatting is a huge issue.

Terence Rosemore

Directing on page. Writers write, Directors direct and Actors act. Brevity to a reader is bliss

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