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By Wilmer Villanueva

GENRE: Sci-fi, Action
LOGLINE: A woman is mistaken for a terrorist through facial recognition, and now she must prove her innocence by joining them.


In the 21st century, because of the rising seas, large coastal cities around the world were flooded. This influenced floating cities and large skyscrapers to thrive.

Large private corporations took advantage of that calamity and made a fortune with floating cities. Obtaining a real estate monopoly in that area.

These corporations contributed to the development of new cities, gradually taking over the majority of nations by offering great financial and political stability.

The VITANOVA Corporation is one of them and is the largest on the planet. But to stay that way, he sometimes deviated from the legal, so it seemed more like a mafia in the best Yakuza style.

Vitanova establishes and develops innovations such as robotics, flying ships, communications, multimedia cities and Facial Recognition, the latter that allows to distinguish any human being regardless of where they are, in seconds through the database of all The existing social networks.

But his entire empire is threatened by a criminal gang that calls themselves "The Shades," who try to expose the true imperialist face of these companies and aided, accidentally by Wioletta, a real estate agent who was mistaken for an identical terrorist to her, for This automated system. She is the key to destroying the empire and crime of these corporations.


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Arthur L Burton III

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Nathaniel Baker

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Nathaniel Baker

LOVE IT!!!!!!!!

Salvatore Bono

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Wilmer Villanueva

Tanks Salvatore!

Kervin Juarez

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Catarina De Cèzanne

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William G Chandler Jr

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Sasha Stella

cool premise but clumsy logline.

Sasha Stella

I just read your script- did you use a translator like google or something? I ask as it’s almost unreadable due to grammatical errors . But love the premise

Wilmer Villanueva

Yes it's correct. My English is very basic. I need a translator who speaks English very well

Tracy Simpson

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Sasha Stella

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Tony Clare

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Ester Elliott

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Ester Elliott

I like the logline but the word 'terrorist' is too generic. What type of villans they are?

Wilmer Villanueva

Thanks Esther, you are very considerate. I will take into account your statement about the terrorist ... your question is very correct.

Jim Catizone

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Robert Sacchi

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Robert Sacchi

A good premise. I also like the poster.

Wilmer Villanueva

Thanks Robert

Joe Thayer

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Gerard Kirrane

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Ben Gilani

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Wilmer Villanueva

Thanks Cary!

Wilmer Villanueva

Thanks Grzegorz

Rutger Oosterhoff

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Rutger Oosterhoff

Wilmer, your loglines are always interesting but your screenplays are cluttered, and not written in present tense. If it is ok to you, I will redo your first 3 pages in official format, so you can see how it should look. Tell me if you like that? Best, Rutger

Tasha Lewis

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Wilmer Villanueva

Thanks Rutger...You are so nice!

Wilmer Villanueva

How about Rutger, the introductory script was old, I changed it. I hope you give it a reading to see how it turned out. Thanks

Wilmer Villanueva

Thanks Tasha!

B A Mason

This is a similar plot to 1998's Enemy of the State, but with facial recognition. Also a poor Logline. The subject predicate doesn't work. It's focus is on the AI, but then shifts to the girl in the same sentence. Then, there's a second sentence when the whole thing could easily be summarized in just one. It needs some work.

B A Mason

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Wilmer Villanueva

Thanks Mason

Wilmer Villanueva

Thanks Sarah

Mirella Muffarotto

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Nate Rymer

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Wilmer Villanueva

Thanks Mirella and Nate.

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