Robert DiChiaro's Lounge Discussions

Robert DiChiaro
How to get your works noticed

Hey guys,

I have been writing screenplays for several years now, but haven't really been able to do much with what I have. I am confused as to what the next steps are in order to make progress in having someone take an interest in my works. I have entered two of my scripts in the Toronto Screenwritin...

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Steven Harris Anzelowitz

Subscribe to IMDBpro. It is $21.75 a month. You will have the contact info for every "A" lister. Than you can pitch whoever you want.

Dan MaxXx

Do the opposite. Get to know working folks in the business of making movies for a living. They are your first champions, recommend you for jobs & referrals.

Larissa S. Merriman

It's tough if you don't live in Los Angeles or NYC and don't have the opportunity to meet other professional filmmakers or writers. I'd either join or start a writers group where you live and workshop...

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Doug Nelson

Pay attention to what Dan M said. This is a very personal business; eyeball-to-eyeball works best. If you're not getting any traction with your screenplays - stop sending them out. Produce your own sh...

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Craig D Griffiths

Hi Robert, here is a thought experiment. Replace the word ‘writer’ with ‘Doctor’. How would a Doctor build his practice. They would reach out to specialists for referrals - so may be go to

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Robert DiChiaro
New Screenwriter

Hey guys, I'm really excited to be on here. Writing is my passion, especially horror and sci-fi scripts. Would love to collaborate on here and bring my ideas to fruition. Take a look at my recent posts, and let me know what you think!

Kelly Krause

Welcome, Robert! Big fan of the horror and thriller genres, so I look forward to seeing you hone your craft... Hope Stage 32 provides the support you need. : )

Wayne Jarman

Welcome, Robert. Wishing you every success!

Adam Harper

Nice to meet you Robert

Brannon Jenkins

Hello Robert this is JJ Jenkins I was unable to get reach of you text me or call me pls asap

Joey Lanai

Nice meeting you Robert! I'm told it's a business of a million No's and that first YES! Hoping you get your YES soon soon soon! Keep doing what you're doing! ignore the nay sayers! :)

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