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With the help of his fiery best friend, a heartbroken teen tries to get over his ex while also dealing with the hardships and responsibilities of home life.
MARCUS is a 18 year old kid from a tough midwest neighborhood who just went through a bad break up where his girlfriend left him to go back to her ex. Just wanting to get over her he distracts himself with his responsibilities as an older brother to his 10 year old sister who he basically raises with no parents around. One day as he and his best friend KELLY are driving to the store he meets the most beautiful girl his young eyes have ever seen at the corner store, he falls over heels for her after she invites him to walk her home.
During his walk with CARLA everything goes better than he ever could imagine, they have a lot in common, they make each other laugh, they have a real genuine connection. After the walk he races back to his best friend to tell her all about how much of an amazing person she is and how he really believes he may have found the one. His suspicions are even more confirmed when they meet again at a house party unexpectedly and share more good times together including their first kiss. At the same party Marcus gets separated from Kelly who goes off with a guy she’s with and gets into a fight with two girls who flirt with him right in front of her.
During all the chaos Marcus witnesses his ex getting physically abused by her boyfriend. Reluctant to intervene at first he eventually goes to check on her. Seeing her
a bloody mess he takes her inside to an empty room to help her get cleaned up and find out what happened.
Listening to her story he feels bad for her and they end up sleeping with each other. The next morning Carla and her friends come back to the house because their friend lost her phone after getting too drunk. They search in the same room and she notices the hat Marcus had on and a half naked girl in the bed who calls out his name.
Kelly finds her crying and begs her to tell her what's wrong she wont answer but only asks to go see marcus. She confronts Marcus with Kelly and not only does Marcus lose the girl of his dreams but also his best friend when they get into it. After going some time without talking Marcus runs into DRE Kellys older drug dealing brother who she doesn’t talk to. Dre looks at Marcus as a little brother and gives him advice on what to do about his situation, after his helpful lecture dre drops Marcus off. Later that same night Dre is killed from a drive-by and Kelly, is woken up in the middle of the night by the phone call her mom gets, not giving her any details Kelly has a bad feeling about what it is, and having no one to turn to, Kelly comes to Marcus for help. They race across town to the hospital to find out what's going on.
After getting the news in the hospital that Dre didn’t make it, Kelly is unable to sleep, speak, or eat, Marcus goes home after spending all night and morning with Kelly, When he gets home he finds his little sister eating cereal without milk. Marcus goes to the store to get some and runs into Carla. He begs her for a second chance. She decides to hear him out and after 6 months go by we see them together and happy, as well as Kelly with a new guy. They all are having a cookout on top of their secret rooftop place. Kelly and Marcus share a moment where they’re talking about Dre looking down on them and how they better not mess up the second chance they have now.
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It’s important to note that Kelly has her own arc in the story as well, living in a single parent home with her mom after her older brother is kicked out of the house for selling drugs . Something Kelly feels mad at him about because she feels like he abandoned her in some ways like their dad did. As reluctant as she is towards him, he still loves her and wants to protect her. I chose to cut all this and focus on Marcus, our main character’s journey.
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Good logline, but correct the grammar and punctuation. “With the help of his fiery best friend, a heartbroken teen tries to get over his ex while also dealing with the hardships and responsibilities of his home life.”
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