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A once devoted Jehovah's Witness minister and his confidant, become targets of attack when his testimony and evidence in a civil lawsuit, will expose a deceitful child sex predator within the flock and a massive pedo-sex cover-up by the church's hierarchy.
Tagline: A pedophile could be knocking at your door.
Limited series. (Based on true events. Timeline: 90s thru present-day.)
Emmett Truman church elder and his trusted friend and deacon, Talib Barron are personally aware of documented proof, in a confidential registry, that there are at least 23,720 cases of child sex crimes within their religion, since at least 2000 (the current estimate is 40,000). That these offenders are in direct contact (and at times in private) with minors under the care of adult members and calling at the homes of the general public and having in-home bible study with unsuspecting homeowners.
However, under the legal, First Amendment provision of penitential privilege, they or other clergy are under no obligation to report these criminals and their crimes to the police when informed during a confessional. Church elders that are directly involved in the "judicial committee matter" are strictly instructed by the Governing Body of the religion, not to divulge any information (written or verbal) with any member(s) of the flock or outsiders. Anyone with private knowledge of these crimes that are "publishers" (Jehovah's Witnesses) or "non-baptized publishers" that attend their services are judicially warned not to do so. If they inform anyone in their congregation(s) without repentance for doing so, they will be ex-communicated. For JW, that means no member, be they relative or friend, in good standing, can greet or talk to you (outside of a business relationship). Within the household, only secular matters can be discussed. I was a baptized Jehovah's Witness for 40 years, till I formerly disassociated myself from "The Organisation." My mother was baptized when I was seven years old. I had family members and close friends that were elders, and I knew victims of pedo-sex abuse. There are more than 8,000,000 Jehovah's Witness publishers/proselytizers worldwide. In short, the Jehovah's Witnesses are a haven among other confessional-based religious groups, for pedo-sex criminal activities and other crimes.
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Unsolicited advice: If part 2 is also 190 pgs, I think you can safely assume you have a limited series. I think the topic is really interesting and you have an insiders view to bring authenticity. My suggestion is, write this as a limited series and divide this 190 pages up into 50 pg episodes. Rough estimate with part 2 you should have 8-10 episodes.
Secondly, you have two typos in the first dialogue of your script. Always read your script out loud to find these - your brain wants to fill in missing information, so you need to trick it into seeing the mistakes.
Good luck!
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Thanks for the kind words. Maybe a limited series, or just an old-fashioned two-part movie. I have dyslexia so catching errors are a pain in the arse for me. It doesn't matter how many times I check. I read the words as if they're already there, even if I read out loud. Proofreaders are expensive. I used to be one. I can catch other people's errors, but my own - forget it.
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Maybe find someone to trade scripts with. I see a lot of people put posts up. I'm sure you can find someone.
Sounds very topical.