This is just a quick peek to a scene from my original, high-concept horror spec titled "Contemporary Death"... See the teaser to the actual screenplay on my twitter @ > Also See a longer version of the teaser with text on Stage 32 @ >...
Every time I pitch this to someone the response has been overwhelming, although nobody has read it yet. I do have a draft ready to go and the timing I feel is perfect for this... as C D meshes both the slasher experience and the creature feature simultaneously, it pays homage to both and it even introduces a new kind of horror villain. I feel we need something that takes the traditional slasher to a new level while introducing some new kind of horror villain or monster and that is actually...
As a longtime T1 & T2 fan... I was extremely disappointed with the direction of this film... with the choices in the writing and more importantly from a story standpoint... please, take a listen...
One of the most magical moments in a movie theater... Jurassic Park is apart of my journey. I saw the film 3 times on the big screen back in 93 when I was a preteen and I've never let go of it's brilliance for it's time... It's fun to go back and thrive on the nostalgia as well as indulge once again in the film's pioneering use of CGI and it's mix of full-on, highly-detailed animatronic dinosaurs, as well as the fine acting by it's lead cast in Sam Neill, Jeff Goldblum and others... And not...
Inspired by a lot of the slashers of the 70s, 80s, & 90s including Chainsaw. Halloween. Friday. Nightmare. Candyman. Scream. Predator, as well as even Universal's classic monsters and even more... CD is a really scary and versatile idea when it comes to the genre and is something new! See the Contemporary Death Script Teaser now @ > ...
Learn More about this Script @ >
Just a little flow that I did acapella as a promo to my original horror spec titled "Contemporary Death" The 1st Verse actually begins with: You can sleep this ain't Freddy- but the malevolence of every- sworn enemy- (and then the lyrics on screen from there) Still working on it.
Something is telling me to not give up on this, although I have to focus on other projects. not just screenplays... but I've been tagging networks, studios, and producers on twitter, just for fun... and it seems that people... horror fans... are really liking the script's original title and concept ... as I had hoped that they would... I've even seen this engagement in people's eyes when I pitch this to them and they hear or glimpse the script's title... knowing that what I wrote is an...