Oh boy... she brings up a great point @ > 2:30 and on... and one that I agree with... (regarding the new villain terminator)
One thing that's always stood out to me when rewatching this cult classic is how well edited it is ... Sure we can talk about the iconic music and a lot of other things that the film got right ( on a budget of only 800k ) but for a Stephen King adaptation, Children of the Corn has always remained memorable to me... and that slooooow unsheathing of the knife is great! - REPLAY
Great Scene & Soundtrack (not all of it) & one of Ridley Scott's most underrated films. Based on a true story in which the brigantine ALBATROSS, a school ship, went over in a White Squall. Three students, the wife of the captain, and the cook all perished in the freak accident. And speaking of a white squall, does anyone know what one is? ...it's described in the screenplay as a wall of wind and water, something rarely ever seen at sea... a freak storm so to speak. Check out part of...
If only they weren't invisible sickles and I was dressed in grungy hooded attire in which you couldn't see my face... only blackness under the hood...
Fun horror movie too!
None of what is shown in this video reveals the title or the premise to the work. This is simply a dialogue bit from a late draft. See All PROMOS to my horror spec @ > https://www.stage32.com/profile/667776/photos ... Don't forget to check my BIO too @ > ...
Learn More @ > https://www.stage32.com/profile/667776/about (BIO)