Artisan James's Reel

Zoe Saldana Spoils The ‘Avatar’ Sequel

Very intriguing. I enjoyed the first Avatar and I'm looking forward to the sequel... "the humans are not going to let go of Pandora that easily" ...hmmm... I think JC is going to deliver... again!

#33, The Antagonist... C D

I've done a lot of pitch videos touching upon many different facets of my horror spec, all of which could be useful insight someday to whoever reads it or sees it's potential.. Here is another snippet of me talking about some of the characters and the new threat at hand ... Enjoy, and don't forget to check out the TITLE REVEAL TEASER @ > ...

The Grudge - Movie Review

I agree with Chris.

Tears for Fears - Shout (Instrumental Version)

Liking this instrumental... it just keeps getting better deeper into the song... This is my New Year's jam this year! 2019........2020 And Is it 2020 already? Oh.. my.. God.. Time is f****** flying! ...It's time.

TENET - Official Trailer

Am I intrigued? ...You bet! Great Visuals, what looks to be like solid performances, Action, Mystery, Suspense...There are even a few spooky shots in this trailer- most notably the ships moving backwards through the water (along with the water) as well as the man squirming after John David Washington's character in the hallway... in very creepy fashion... TIME X BACKWARDS?

#32, The Rise! (Take Two) Putting on the Hood... C D

Jason, Freddy, Micheal... there's a new villain coming to town!

Signature Wheel Kick... LIONHEART (1991)

One of the better Van Damme flicks... good soundtrack too...

#31, An Experience, PART ONE... C D

Stay tuned for two additional segments that reveal even more... including me speaking about the "double-whammy" effect of the script's original title and what it could really mean... & Don't miss the TITLE REVEAL TEASER VIDEO here @ >

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