Nina Brooks's Lounge Discussions

Nina Brooks
Completion Bond

I was recently offered a budget for my TV Series contingent upon getting a completion bond. The bond is 2% of the budget. Does anyone have any experience with this and if so is it a good offer to take?

Maxwell Moore

I would love for someone to explain what a bond is and how it works. I will be looking for financing for an Action-Romance myself.

Jack Binder

Hello Maxwell Moore Coincidentally I just wrote a post about the Completion Bond for my website. You can find the answer to your question there. In brief, a Completion Bond is an assurance by the bond...

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Maxwell Moore

Great article Jack thank you

Jack Binder

Maxwell Moore Thank you. Very kind, glad you found it of value.

Nina Brooks
Distribution Deal

I'm seeking a distribution deal for the pilot to my TV series The Lovers Lyfe

Magnifique Ecrivaine
Screenwriter sold her series script to a producer

I went for a meeting two days a go with a producer, he wanted a series he would be airing on TV, so I pitched one of my series I wrote between 2016 to 2018 to him. He liked the idea and he agreed on buying it. He wants me to continue it's development up to a hundred episodes and that is more money f...

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Buvana Ram

Congrats. You can add me for developing the script if you need help..

Happy to hear

Gregory McCray


Tom Kovacs

Congratulations! I wish you both a great success with it.

Niki H

Congratulations Magnifique! Well done.

William D. Tolkien
What to do once I have my script ready

Hi, Everyone! My name's William, I'm a 21 year-old from Argentina. I've been writing scripts since I was 19, two years now. I have a pretty decent amount of scripts (more than 5 shorts, and 3 full-length now), and lately I've been thinking on going out there and try to pitch and find producers to my...

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E Langley

Zoetrope is not free. "An entry fee of US$40 (prior to the early-bird deadline) or US$50 (between the early-bird and final deadlines) must be paid online by credit card or PayPal at the time of script submission."

Cara Rogers

William, there are a variety of routes you can take. I'd recommend finding coverage first, which you can commission directly from Stage 32 and a variety of other resources. I entered a competition imm...

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Nina Brooks

Submit to IMdb verified festivals

Maurice Vaughan

Hi, William D. Tolkien. What are your goals as a screenwriter (sell scripts that you pitch, produce your scripts alongside producers, acting in your scripts, etc.)? Knowing that will help you know whi...

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Danny Manus

Get NOTES. Professional notes. before u submit it to any priducer, rep, or contest. Im happy to help over at No BullScript!

Nina Brooks
Web Series Ready To Go!

I have a five episode web series ready to go and am looking for guidance on how and where to distribute my content! Sell, VOD etc.

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Nina, the normal way today is to shoot the project, then shop it for distribution. Possibly you can pitch to a larger streamer who will fund it or commit to stream/distribute but you need to get to their actual acquisition people fie tgat.

Shellie Schmals

Hi Nina Brooks -

Nice to meet you!!

Stage32 has a great workshop called "The Keys to Building an Investor Deck that Works" with Sarah Elizabeth Timmins >>

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Nina Brooks
Short FIlm/Pilot

I have a short film/TV Series Pilot I created that has done very well on the film festival circuit. I'm looking for distributio/funding and an avenue to pitch.

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Nina Brooks! Pitch Sessions are the best way to seek funding: If you want a wider selection of executives, you could go for a Reel Review and...

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Karen "Kay" Ross

Oh, and for ideas on funding, definitely check out the Financing Lounge - there are lots of great conversations happening there that could assist you on your journey:

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Jason Mirch

Hey Nina Brooks! It is great to be connected with you! I am really glad to have you in the community. As Karen "Kay" Ross says, you are always welcome to reach out to me directly. I am the Director of...

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Pritesh Chheda

Nina Brooks what is the logline of your short? Also which festivals circuits did this play in? Thank you - pritesh

Nina Brooks
Funding for Content

I have a 22 min proof of concept pilot for the TV Series "The Lovers Lyfe", fully polished and ready to go. I have also completed a pitch deck story bible and business proposal. The top sheet for the budget is completed in movie magic and the entire 1st season has been re-written as a feature film....

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Nina Brooks

Casey Bowker thank you!!

Karen "Kay" Ross

YAY! Best of luck, and keep us posted, Nina Brooks!

Jack Binder

Very organized. Good luck!

Nina Brooks

Jack Binder Thank you so much!!!

Nina Brooks

Karen "Kay" Ross I sent you a message one of the opportunities to pitch with would like to move forward and wants to see all of my stuff but I dont have the abiity to send her everything only one file...

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Nina Brooks
Director Producer Writer and Content Creator

Hey All. Great to be here. Looking to network. I have lots of written content. I also have filmed content. I write produce and direct. Would love to collab and help with projects. I'm bi-coastal between Los Angeles and Pittsburgh.

Allen Lynch

Hello Nina!

Karen "Kay" Ross

Hey, Nina Brooks! Great to see you again, how have you been? What kind of content have you written? Don't forget you can list your loglines, including format, on your profile so visiting members can m...

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Nina Brooks

Thank you. I've been writing drama and romance pilots, features, and shorts.

Martin Reese

Hi Nina Brooks. Nice to meet you. Definitely join and post in the lounges. Great places to network.

Matthew Parvin

Welcome Nina! Sounds like you have lots of experience to draw on. Cannot wait to see what you'll bring to the community. I know it'll be great!

Cherelynn Baker
Reboot: if you could, would you?

Hi Stage 32'ers, just curious - if you had all the resource needed handed to you, and you could reboot a tv series, or film - would you?

Is there anything that you think the current distribution offerings are lacking?

Please comment what show and why!


It's no secret.

I am not a fan of the reboots!

Doug Nelson

All in the Family & The Jeffersons.

Bop Shipman

especially with the edge they had back then... all in the family and the Jefferson's would be a great reboot

Nina Brooks

Breaking Bad

Hannah Miyamoto

The Simpsons <jk><jk>

Cherelynn Baker

Hey everyone! Wow, so - so- so many great shows on here! Thank you for sharing which shows you enjoyed the most and would love to see more of. I have recently started Jericho on Paramount + and the first few episodes are really well written and I'm enjoying it!

Tyler Geis
What I've Been Up To!

Hey Everyone, i always forget to post on Introduce Yourself Weekend. Anyways, I'm Tyler. I am an award winning filmmaker. I made a feature right after college on a two thousand dollar budget. I've been writing most of my adult life. But the past few years i have been going non stop it seems, so I ha...

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Nina Brooks

Hi Tyler good to meet you! I’m a writer director and producer based in LOS ANGELES

Mo Yusuf

Congrats Tyler. Is the podcast purely about writing?

Ihekuna Chimezie Benedict

Tyler Geis emailed you

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Cool! I just started a podcast too! RADIOACTIVE on Spotify. I was thinking a podcast with writers talking about process would be brilliant. Thanks for doing this! I'll check it out!

Shemar James

Tyler Geis Nice to meet you! Great to have you here!

That's awesome that you have people connected to your project already. If you haven't seen it already,

Be sure to check out the lounges to get conne...

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