Ken Zakreski's Lounge Discussions

Kerry Patton
Scripts on Amazon?

Screenwriters, would you ever put your scripts on Amazon for readers to purchase no different than how self publishing authors put their books up for sale on Amazon?

I know traditionally, sharing scripts especially in the public domain is a MAJOR no, no. But, knowing that very little can be done to...

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Dan MaxXx

Kerry Patton My agent makes 10% commission for doing that. This is the movie business. But hey, what do I know. 20-years ago I was doing script coverage. Nobody then believed random folks would pay $$...

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Kerry Patton

"Fancy websites and illusions" This quote totally completes me :)

Ken Zakreski

if we are speculating about repurposing media. Director's scene cards with a spec script could be considered an art form. I know a guy that can ink superman.

Kerry Patton


Craig D Griffiths

Hmm. It is a different type of market. When you sell on Amazon you retain the copyright. Selling a script is actually selling the copyright with conditions around payments.

I have a few books on Amazon...

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Ken Zakreski
Subtext, after the Text and Context goes in

What is the best use of subtext you can think of ?

Looking for some help with subtext.

In reality, I don’t like subtext. Never did. I am going to imagine some of my characters liking subtext and using it to convey information. My plan is to write the first draft then go back and do a subtext pass on...

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Adam Harper

Breaking Bad would be a pretty dull (and pretty short) series without subtext.

Jean Buschmann

GREAT stuff! Now if I could just remember that each time I write. But I suppose subtext is to text what AfterEffects is to post production. Finessing after the fact. Or mopping up the vomit (draft). U...

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Debbie Croysdale

Cool share @Erik. "The best lines can be those left unspoken." @Michael. Great example you mention The Secret Life of Walter Mitty. I also love subtext, and don't dig too deep into searching for any...

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Michael Bruce Adams

If we follow this along we can begin to work back through the structure to find the primary broad strokes inspirations for subtext; lead character’s backstory wound or overarching motivation, internal...

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Michael Bruce Adams

Hey Eric, sorry for the delay in replying... flat out this week. What a great article about subtext. Subtext is truly and endless journey. The layers just go deeper and deeper. I love all those exampl...

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Hayley Elizabeth Henson
Where do I begin? Screenwriting.

Hello, I am NEW to Stage 32. I believe we are all are all here due to our yearning for fulfillment, innate creativity, collaboration, and desire to see our ideas come to life. I am 29 years old, and although that may seem young to many, I have encountered a transition where I do not want to live a l...

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Adam Harper

Hi Hayley. You've already received great advice, I'm struggling to find something to add!

My advice, on top of all the above is, get out of your comfort zone and enjoy the journey :-)

Anything you write...

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Phil Clarke

Welcome to the site, Hayley. And to the weird and wonderful world of screenwriting. If you ever wish to talk screencraft and story with someone who has been in the industry for over 20 years, by all means come have a chat. My best. Phil

James Brosnahan

Welcome! Hey, if you want to chat craft let me know.

Ken Zakreski

newbie here.

first script.

just start writing until you cant stop.


these are the good days.


Roman BRuni

page one !

Ken Zakreski
Structure in two forms: Three-Act and Fabula/Syuzhet

How do you confirm the structure your story is using?

To be able to talk accurately on 'The Fictional Project' screenplay; I need a point made clear. My concern ‘what is included in the story?’ Closing credits?

Does the closing Music Video with the credits rolling need to be included in the descripti...

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Ken Zakreski

Yes I am starting to agree with that perspective. The Fictional Project is close enough to the standard three act story that the funeral scene intro is fine. Next is the genre. You mentioned genre and...

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Ken Zakreski
Screenplay for The Fictional Project is underway.

Hello everyone. I’m Ken the lead writer working on a spec screenplay with a great mentor & two old friends from high school.

My background is media marketing (print / radio) and technical writing. This will be my first screenplay.

My volunteer time is with the gang over at Community Campus Radio in...

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Ken Zakreski
Make up guys to look older

Hi. Wondering how difficult it would be using stage make up to age two 17 year olds to look 20. Both male, one blonde blue eyed, one brown hair and eyes. I’m over in Screenwriting and wanted to use this as a plot point. Google search says to “wear lighter make up”. Not sure what that means. Trying t...

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Donald Selbe
Character Development

Hello everyone. I am new to writing screenplays and always have trouble with character development.

I have googled character development as well as multiple different books and websites about writing, but everything I can find are either too general or way to specific of questions. While I can answer...

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Anjum Saiffi

Horizon Academy is the best IIT And NEET coaching institute in Yamuna Vihar. We are having more than 18 yrs of experience in the field of education. We provide the top IIT coaching and the best IIT in...

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Vikas Bisht

Hope you will find the result soon.

please visit:-

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Gen Vardo

I personally just write and the characters reveal themselves and develop through the story. Helps to have a concept.

If you imagine yourself walking down the street, visiting a shop, then spending time...

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Gen Vardo

And I've done it again. Forgot to look at the date this was posted. :|

Roman BRuni

your difficulty seems to be articulating the notes into scenes.

start methodically: put each note from your cards into various scenes.

probably some notes would be better suitable in the beggining other...

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Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"
This is a poll, not a pole. What's the best online resource for screenwriters?

There are many excellent online resources for networking, feedback, camaraderie and pitching your screenplay. So in your humble opinion, which is the best online resource for screenwriters? And don't feel obligated to say S32 unless you think it's the best.

John Iannucci

Yeah, I had an account for a short time got tired of seeing people post what they ate for breakfast.

Tayrone Straughter

Well I purged my twitter, kept friends and a few people for comedic relief, googled "screenwriters on twitter" and found a list "60 of the best writers to follow" I followed them and their suggested f...

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Ken Zakreski

It looks like the polemic on twitter and social media can lead us to a post a newbie can use. "which is the best online resource for screenwriters?"

Coming into this project writing my first screenplay...

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Tayrone Straughter

RB is actually one of my favorite follows, He always posts great things and I learned about stage32 from one of his "introduce yourself" tweets.

Jason Mirch

Hey Phillip! You're on it! Stage 32 has a ton of resources for screenwriters. Did you check out the Stage 32 Writers' Room? There are a ton of webinars on screenwriting. I actually hosted a few myself...

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Ken Zakreski
Conflict in all forms

What is the best substitute for external conflict or obstacles to keep a screenplay moving along? How is using suspense different from discovery in providing tension for a screenplay? Say using the genre Mystery RomCom.

Ken Zakreski

I agree. and Hitchhiking is not the main conflict.

My concern is to use the act of getting a ride where the audience reacts with "glad they got a ride", the joy of that, and not 'omg those two handsom...

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Ken Zakreski

Dumpling’ is an interesting movie with not a lot of tension added. I was surprised this film could keep my attention yet the story was strong enough. Hope for my planned screenplay. Is it possible to succeed without so much added tension?

Ken Zakreski

Our Town, another low tension conflict film. Slice of life but without the tension I will need to add interesting moments. Looking for these to gauge how little tension is required to keep the genre Mystery Rom Com and out of Child's Fairy Tale.

Roman BRuni

contrast. character development depends on contrast.

'' too much color, no color '' kandinski

Ken Zakreski

I get that. Contrast. The most obvious contrast is the hero/villain relationship.

Looking at this outline I see no villain, only a challenge to find Neil Young and return the recordings. So in typical...

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Phil Parker

Interesting, though far too long for my attention span.

I will comment on one thing. According to the analysis of all the script reports, the 'hook' is one of the least important aspects. That's a sur...

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Ken Zakreski

Thank you for the link. This will keep me busy for a while. My Business degree is in marketing (media mgmt) so I appreciate the work this type of report requires.

Debbie Croysdale

“GATE KEEPERS” A good term for studio readers. A good way to gate crash the Prefects of Institutionalisation ... Go the Indie Route.

Doug Nelson

Having been one of those dreaded 'gate keepers' many years back, I found the analysis quite informative...things are not all that different than it was back in the Jurassic era. You just got a whole l...

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Ken Zakreski
Canon and meta scriptwriting

Hi, Newbie question here. I have been over in the scriptwriting lounge and thought it best to have a quick peak ahead at producing this screenplay.

Writing is a solitary experience with a lot of information and research generated by the writing team. Managing that material is starting to get in my wa...

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Ken Zakreski

Good to know - the script is the thing.

Ken Zakreski

Sorry, maybe I am not clear. The screenplay is an adaptation of a book and a planned short story.

What do I do with the written Character Developments?

David Trotti

It sounds like you want to be able to share your research with others and allow others to contribute to the stockpile. Maybe something like Google Docs is what you're looking for. You could also just...

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Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Three notes additional now:

1. As a WRITER-director, I do not, ever, ever, ever have other writers contribute to my work. Period. It's mine. The writing stands or falls on its own. Now in a group produ...

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Ken Zakreski

So about those potential legal consequences? If some of the notes includes discussions with a third person, say uncreditted writer. That third person uncreditted writer could seek compensation? Is tha...

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Ken Zakreski
Bechdel Wallace Test in Contemporary Screenwriting

How or in what manner can the screenwriter strive for much much more than just passing the Bechdel Wallace test? Is there a new Bechdel Wallace Test?

Ken Zakreski

Beth and Erik have disparate views on this topic.

Regarding levels of competence and gender. In story telling I would argue, as in life, balance is the important factor. Looking to my background in co...

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Beth Fox Heisinger

Disparate? I just didn’t find Erik’s last comment funny—humor is what I assume was intended. Lol!

Beth Fox Heisinger

I too think/believe there is more here to consider than competence. Producers, studios, etc, are now looking for people who have some personal connection or life perspective or added insights that the...

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Dan MaxXx
Anthony K

It's probably best not to try, in my view. If you try too hard to be progressive it comes off as preachy.

Would a new Bechdel test mean that those women can't talk about shoes, clothes, motherhood, or...

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Ken Zakreski
Writing about that which you don't know - Joni Mitchell's jazz work

I am the lead writer, with some friends from high school, for a spec script based on Neil Young's album, The Hitchhiker.

The screenplay also has elements of Joni Mitchell's work. One scene is a problem.

The two female leads, set in 1977, discuss Joni's, then newly released, album - Don Juan's Reckle...

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Roman BRuni

difficult royalties ahead ?

Roman BRuni

expensive royalties ahead ?

Ken Zakreski

I will find out.

Sarah Gabrielle Baron

Ken, you wrote, "Really the gem from this forum discussion is a comment by the mod, Beth Fox Heisinger, “I would suggest striving for much much more than just passing the Bechdel test.” What does that...

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Ken Zakreski

I find it daunting, as a man, to write dialogue for a woman.

What I know, what I think I know and what I know I don't know - all come down to a few words on the page. The box office receipts will be t...

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Ken Zakreski
Looking for a writer knowledgeable in Joni Mitchells work

Please do let me know, if you know, wh...

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