Carole Aeschelmann: Producer in Toronto, Canada.

James David Sullivan

Are you producing features?

We have a film in the can! Seeking Producers to help finance the post.

Nightrunners is in the can! We've returned from Kenya and have a gorgeous feature length thriller film shot in 4k. We have a rough cut of the first act and are seeking Producers to help fund the remaining post process including the edit, online, colour correct, sound design and composing to get it r...

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Carole Aeschelmann

Plus 8 Pictures is off to film Nightrunners in Kenya tomorrow! We will update our progress on our FB page at Back in February!

Emmanuel Duchez

Hello Carole, glad to know you. I wrote some words about your "reel", you have real talent. Friendly, Emmanuel

Carole Aeschelmann

I know I'm stating the obvious - but indy feature film making is a gargantuan effort made by only a very small group of people.

Lori Romero

Thank you for accepting my invite - it's a pleasure to connect with you, Carole! Lori

Kyle Wilkinson

Carole, would you company be able to help produce a low-budget horror/comedy?

Thanks Carole for accepting my request. Check out my short film based on Edward Albee's "The Goat"

Carole Aeschelmann

Please check out our first column in the Huffington Post about our feature thriller NIGHTRUNNERS:

syed anjum gauhar

Hi, Carole thanks

Percy Grate
Gautam Chaudhury

hi carole! Greetings from India. I am orthopaedically chalenged.I am a HR professional.I am intersted tobe associated with you for Projects in respond. Gautam Chaudhury 00919937044148

Eve Castillo

Thank you Carole for the add :)

Sal Rastegar

Carole, good to meet ya, Sal

Feature film project helps to support a local Kenyan community, orphanage and school

Hello Stage 32, You may have seen our posting about a feature film project in Kenya. Our little production team has traveled to Rusinga Island, in Kenya, twice since June 2012, to form a 'film secretariat' - a team of local Kenyans who support our project, who have given us their blessings on the sc...

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Suuresh Ramachandran

Hello Carole, We are exploring overseas opportunities for our feature films from here in India. As of right now, these will not be big-budget, star-backed Bollywood blockbusters. There's one immediate completed film targeted at a sensible, discerning audience. It has been made at a budget of approx...

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Percy Grate

Nice 2 meet u best wishes Percy [Sweeps Globe @ ]

J Elizabeth Hardges

HI!!! ♥ I am in the process of reaching out to everyone that I can to help me get my Christian tracks on a secular hiphop mixtape... EVERY VOTE COUNTS!!! LETS SHARE JESUS WITH THE WORLD!!! Please just go here and click the button that says vote... YOU CAN VOTE WITH YOUR TWITTER AND YOUR FACEBOOK ACC...

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J Elizabeth Hardges (@) | Youve GOT the Word!!! | Audio | Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes
J Elizabeth Hardges (@) | Youve GOT the Word!!! | Audio | Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes
J Elizabeth Hardges (@) - Youve GOT the Word!!!. Stream this track live at Coast 2 Coast Mixtapes and review it for placement on the next Coast 2 Coast Mixtape!
Emile Bertrand

Hey Carole, thanks for the connection.

Carole's network

Sabenita - Montreal Canada
Linda Harborth
Brandi Self
Russell C. Brennan
Mark Lawyer
Chad Scira
Jahmilla Jackson
Alyona Pimanova
Melissa Hanes
Eric DeShazer
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