Post your loglines. Get and give feedback.
A futuristic soldier faces the most implacable enemy in the galaxy, but is aided by "The Engine" - A dissociative identity from within that is a ruthless killing machine with only one purpose - Survival.
This is written only as a proof of concept for the current rights holder of Armor. I make no claim to the rights of Armor. This is only a piece of fan-fiction. If interested, I could contact the owner of Armor and would be happy to see this beloved story and character come to life. It has been my favorite book for 20 years and I would want to be a part of the team that would bring this story to screen as I have life experiences very similar to the protagonist Felix, who experiences dissociative states in order to survive extreme pain and trauma. I have overcome PTSD myself.
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I would re-work the loglines to make them more compact as you have too many unnecessary words. Try this: A futuristic soldier faces off with a dissociative identity and he must kill or be killed.
I’d rather errr on the side of being a little longer and really letting someone know what the story involves. Yours actually reworded it to the point of making it another story completely.
Robert Russo You should research what a logline is and go from there. Your loglines are not real loglines as they do not follow what a logline is. As if you do what you say you want to do, you lost the connection with the producer as if they know the details of the story they have no reason to request a script as you told them everything in the logline which is only supposed to be a teaser
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