Ruy Valverde's Lounge Discussions

Andrew Sobkovich

A link that has Yoshi in the shot is guaranteed to get my attention. Is there a link to the video this came from?

Ruy Valverde
Sergio Costa
On a trip to Lisbon?

Tired of staying in small, expensive and useless hotel rooms? Working or on holidays, try this flat for a short stay! Live like a local in Lisbon.

Ruy Valverde

Great ... Sergio ! We kp in touch Best

Sergio Costa

Thanks Ruy, anytime, and for those who are connected I can arrange special prices!! Best

To Filmmakers/Producers: What Do You hate for Actor's to ask you on set?

Filmmakers & Producers: Kindly post your comments. I will be posting more discussions in the lounge so be ready to respond and share.

Ed Vassallo

I love NI DICK HEADS. They are very rare found only in small parts of southern california

Angelique Little

In an ideal world, all preparation for shooting happens off set. Everyone shows up as prepared as possible. The production designer isn't asking questions on set that could have been dealt with before...

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Ed Vassallo

@ Angelique. Never said it was mutually exclusive. Many talented actors are absolute delights, however many are very nice and can remember lines and work repetitively with very little talent. I would...

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Angelique Little

Completely agree, Ed! And as someone who has worked in a lot of different fields, I'd have to say this is true in every industry. I've always been passionate, outspoken and given 100% of myself to an...

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Wayne G Sweat

Thank you Ed.

Ruy Valverde
I am seeking a Co Producer for this Reality Show ! Need to like Cafe Bikes .

I am shooting already , I would like to meet someone here in LA , who would like to be evolved , as Producer / Partner . I am seeking Representation in Los Angeles as Well . Thank you all .

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