Elko Weaver's Lounge Discussions

Mika Shimoeda
Hello everyone!

Nice to e-meet you! I'm Mika a Japanese producer. I'm not good at English, but I'll do my best. I'm now making an international co-production feature film with Spanish DOP and music composer. I made friends with them at the international film festival and now we are making a work together. Life is v...

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Elko Weaver


Michael Nguyen

Pleased to meet you! It’s always a pleasure for me to share my interest in Japan with someone who’s actually from there!

Mika Shimoeda

Thank you both!

Shemar James

Mika Shimoeda Welcome to Stage 32! Nice to have you as a part of the community! You’ll really enjoy it. There are so many wonderful people to connect with and resources available to you. Your English...

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Mika Shimoeda

Thank you for your guidance. I will post in the lounge.:)

Bruno Catarino
Screenwriting Reading Group

Hey everyone. Anyone often finds themselves asking the same friends to read their scripts, and looking for new readers? Afraid of asking someone you don't know and end up getting non-valuable feedback, or having to read in return a script you might not enjoy?

I'd like to propose a reading group, wher...

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John Mezes

I'd be interested in joining your proposed reading group as well. Very beneficial. Let me know when you work out a date, time, etc. I'm in EST. Thanks Bruno Catarino!

Elko Weaver

Sounds like a great idea!

Selma Karayalcin

7th March is good for me- I don't get it with the time lol! I am in Cyprus - same time as in Greece.

Rutger Oosterhoff

Cyprus is 1 hour later than The Netherlands, 2 hours later than England. How much later than the USA depend on 'where' in the USA.

Selma Karayalcin

Hi! Did it happen? Did I miss the meeting - please keep me in the loop!

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