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By Maurice Vaughan

GENRE: Horror, Sci-fi

During a citywide zombie outbreak, an untrusting teenager and her estranged dad fight to survive against bioengineered zombies that can turn invisible.


Horror/Sci-Fi short script for sale

Dawn of the Dead (2004) meets The Invisible Man (2020)

Sub-genres: Contained Horror/Survival Horror/Zombie

Budget: Micro


A private military contractor unleashes a bioengineered zombie that can turn invisible on the city. An untrusting teenager named Charlotte rushes to leave her mom’s house before her estranged dad, Brian, arrives to spend time with her. They hear people throughout the neighborhood scream. Before a screaming woman can tell Brian what’s wrong, a Phantom bites her. Charlotte and Brian try to escape in her car, but the Phantom destroys the engine. The woman turns into a Phantom, and both Phantoms attack Charlotte and Brian.

Charlotte and Brian run into the house, and the Phantoms get inside. Brian tells Charlotte to hide in a closet so she’ll be safe while he kills the Phantoms. She doesn’t trust him that she’ll be safe, but she eventually agrees to hide. He kills the Phantoms. Charlotte and Brian leave the house to find her mom, escape the city, and make it to his brother’s underground shelter.

Potential: Feature script and/or series (TV, web, or limited)

Thanks for hearing my pitch. Message me on Stage 32 or email me with any questions.

Poster: Poster made with Photo of zombie by Nomad_Soul (


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Marcos Fizzotti

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Christine Capone

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Marcos Fizzotti


L. Tom Deaver

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L. Tom Deaver

Sounds like a story I'd like to read but I want to know what differentiates it from the horde of other zombie stories. Is it the "invisible" part? If so, perhaps a bit more on that in the logline.

L. Tom Deaver

It's a great logline. I'd just like to see more.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for rating, Marcos.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the rating, Christine.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the rating and the suggestion, L. Tom. Yes, the invisible part separates this story from other zombie stories. There's a business behind the zombies, but that's for the feature script and/or the series.

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Nate Rymer.

Marcos Fizzotti

You're very welcome, Maurice.

Arthur Charpentier

Rated this logline

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Arthur Charpentier.

Tasha Lewis

Rated this logline

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Tasha Lewis.

Tasha Lewis

Your welcome!

Steve Hayes

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Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Steve Hayes.

Thomas Moore

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Thomas Moore

Maurice Vaughan It sounds really interesting. If you were to choose, what format do you think you'd have it in?

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for rating, Thomas Moore. Right now, the script is a short, but I've been working to turn it into a feature.

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Gianis Athanasiou Totonidis.

Nate Rymer

Rated this logline

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, Nate Rymer. I appreciate the five stars.

Robin Gregory

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Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for five stars, Robin Gregory.

Nathaniel Baker

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Sylvester Fryson Jr

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Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Nathaniel Baker.

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for the five stars, @Sylvester Fryson Jr.

Michael Dzurak

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Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, @Michael Dzurak!

Mario Egiziano

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Jim Boston

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Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for rating, @Mario Egiziano!

Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Jim Boston!

Ayesha Khan

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Maurice Vaughan

Thanks for five stars, @Ayesha Khan!

Shanese Shields

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Kathryn Zizek

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Maurice Vaughan

Thank you, Shanese Shields!

Maurice Vaughan

Thanks, @Kathryn Zizek!

Todd Fabyanic

Rated this logline

Todd Fabyanic

I enjoyed your script. Well Done!

Maurice Vaughan

Hey, @Todd. Thanks for rating my logline and reading my script! Glad you enjoyed the script!

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