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Two young Italian brothers find revenge for the death of their parents by trying to destroy gang members and their drug trade; having a twist which explains the decades long, maniacal search for revenge, that consumes one of the brothers.
**Pitch Deck is uploaded in place of Screenplay. Script available upon request.
Two Italian American identical twin teenagers, Stephano and Anthony Borelli, are continually
bullied by a gang of Latino youths at their school, junior members of the Latin Dukes, a dangerous
criminal organization. The twins look after each other, and overcome the thugs, who vow revenge.
One of the Latino gang, a young girl, has a crush on one of the twins, but is forced by social
pressure to ignore her own feelings. Only a facial mole can distinguish the one twin from the
other, and this minor imperfection is made much of by the gang.
The twin youths are set upon again by the young gang bangers, and as the twin boys see their
parents drive up to pick them up, the thugs throw gasoline on their parents’ car, and burn them
up. Both twins are very seriously injured by the explosion, and the injuries appear critical.
We flash forward to present day, and Stephano is now an apparently corrupt cop heavily involved
in dealing with the Latino drug gang known as the Latin Dukes, with additional undercover roles
as an employee of a waste disposal business, involving garbage trucks.
He assassinates the corrupt lawyer of the firm, seemingly unemotionally, while maintaining a
double life with his wife, Angie, as a beleaguered underpaid policeman, struggling to pay his debts,
while racking up big sums in his other existence as an undercover gangster. He disposes of his
enemies with the garbage truck cover.
Meanwhile, Anthony seems to be a clever drug dealer, working with the Latin Dukes to infiltrate
drug treatment centers to steal methadone and client records, in order to get new customers and
cut the powders he sells to the Dukes. Through sleight of hand, he sets the gang members against
each other, since no one can figure out how the pure drugs he is selling to them seem to be
working to reduce demand for their heroin.
We see him at his parents’ gravesite, making silent promises to avenge their deaths.
Meanwhile, Stephano has set up a fake check cashing and IRS refund scam site with another crook
associated with the Dukes, and takes out the Dukes members who use the service, unknown to the
members of the organization.
They are beginning to suspect that unknown parties are closing in on their members, but can’t
figure out who they are.
Stephano maintains his clever cover as a struggling but upright policeman, both to his wife Angie,
and to other policemen who are obviously corrupt, and to his friend, a local convenience store
clerk, who is essential in maintaining his elaborate role playing in his double life.
Anthony is working his way into the higher echelons of the Dukes drug dealing hierarchy, and now
is selling serious weight to the Jefe of the organization. They realize that he has scammed them,
and attempt to assassinate him in a church while he is about to confess his evil ways to the priest.
He escapes, and sets the gang up to be taken down.
Meanwhile, the young girl in the Dukes, now older and a drug addict, still pining for her Borelli
crush, is set up by Stephano to work her way into betraying the other members of the organization
and take names of all the criminals. She compiles evidence and lists.
Stephano also sets up corrupt cops, who have been dealing with the Dukes.
The Dukes are set up to be mocked and arrested in a large party by being drugged and inebriated
in compromising positions, tied to each other in sexual poses and publicized by the news media.
By this time, the Dukes are destroyed as a functioning organization, and by Anthony’s clever
manipulation of the heroin cut with methadone, regional addicts are no longer buying the illegal
In a final twist, Anthony visits the gravesite of his family, and reads his dead relatives the news
articles about the complete destruction of the Dukes, and burns each of the pictures of the older
versions of the family’s murderers, who have been killed or imprisoned as a result of the complex
plot. He takes off the mole, places it on the now revealed gravestone reading Anthony Borelli, and
we realize Stephano has been playing both himself and his dead brother, in order to achieve the
perfect revenge for his twin’s death.