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By Janez Wall

GENRE: Drama
LOGLINE: Cleopatra and Caesar are reincarnated and their tragic love story once again rages out of control. Driving them both mad when they realize who they were, Cleopatras' life is again ended, this time by spontaneous human combustion. Yet love never dies, ever.


Sally starts her new job as Office Manager at the Firm. Then in walks Dominic, the bosses son who also works for the firm. Time freezes, a smokey haze fills the room and Sally is gone. In her time away, in her trance state, Sally has lit the fires of remembrance and she sees her past life. She was Cleopatra. Dominic was Caesar. “Hi”. Dominics voice brings her back. The smokey haze dissipates. She is transported back into the now and shakes it off. A budding love story ensues. A love not belonging to any earth, plane or time span. The heat, the passion, the climaxes, the hot steamy gondola tram ride, the boardroom tease, the sexual energy crossing over geographical distance, the skiing out of bounds escapades, the pool night gush of orgasmic waves, ebbing and flowing. The universe successfully reunites the star crossed lovers once again and pulls every metaphysical ploy to ensure the success of their bond this go around. This energetic frequency of love brings the blessings of the universe to their feet as the world bows to their every desire. The vacay in Vegas at the Luxor hits home hard. They know. They both know. Knowing is the worst thing to know. The madness of such a love pushes Dominics’ sanity button and a small jealous tear in the fabric of their love starts a spiral unravelling that Sally can’t onboard Dominic back to. Now the ramped up metaphysical elements pound the hell out of Sally and Dominic. Dominic crosses the line. Sally’s energy circuits blow. “I will hate you forever”, are the words departing Sally’s lips. And it’s done. Sally packs up for New York for a new life, a new career, neutral territory, a healing ground of sorts, but the bonds of a timeless love run very tight and Dominic’s sexual force follows her to a night of horror, ripping her pure white beating heart right out of her metaphysical chest. The universe is determined to follow a script and Sally gets paired up with Marco in her first acting class in New York City. Sallys’ first cold read with Marco dishes up the line, “life is not all rainbows”, and her and Marco become sexually entangled and begin a collaboration on writing her very first script, Cleo. Betrayal once again ensues, only to surface on the night of the premier of their baby, their film Cleo, which was press hyped on Oprah and the whole world was waiting for its release. Sally could only write what she knew and the magnitude of her love with Caesar and Marc Antony was not the release her physical body could endure. Moments before the premiere, Marco’s realization of what he has betrayed engulfs him and he jumps off the roof of the building, knowing Sally was in fact Cleopatra and he in fact was Marc Antony. All the while too late, as Sally’s metaphysical condition accelerates and a rare case of spontaneous human combustion presents her demise. The curtain rises, and the film plays. Now, the year 3635, planet Sedna. Laxton teleports inside Sedna’s headquarters and reports to the leader Aria. Aria pivots from the wall screens she is monitoring and freezes her gaze on Laxton. A smokey haze fills the room and…

Carlv Coleman

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B A Mason

This story sounds insane and I love it. I'd pay to see it for sure. But the Logline really needs work.

B A Mason

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