Hey I'm passionate about making films, just would appreciate it if am able to connect with like minds and creatives for Collabo
Do you Produce Music Videos?if so share me your recent project or snippet
Yes, but am yet to premiere it on YouTube, tho am working on the color grading
okay,im a rapper x graphic designer ,looking fwd to working with ya ,hook me up with collabs
Sure, what country are you connected from.
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I finish a script before putting it aside. I will try to fix a finished script, but an abandoned script stays abandoned.
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Cushan Jon, when I get writer's block during my putting a script together, I go to Google and do more research on what I'm writing about...especially if I'm doing a historical screenplay.
Ah this task can be quite difficult I have a story to share. Way back 2016/17 I was work on a sci-fi movie about 3 computer hacker coming together from different phase of life and being a University s...
Expand commentAh this task can be quite difficult I have a story to share. Way back 2016/17 I was work on a sci-fi movie about 3 computer hacker coming together from different phase of life and being a University student almost graduating, I was actually on the treatment no even the main Script I lost morale.
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Finding a way for you to take a step back from your own work is a good step to take. Then when keeping the core themes you are exploring in your work in mind, ask yourself what your characters would do next in their situation and let them and your core themes guide you back on track.
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Don’t read it for a few days then think of one of the main characters, NOT their next plot move but they’re an interesting person sat opposite you on tube. Where are they heading and what will they do...
Expand commentDon’t read it for a few days then think of one of the main characters, NOT their next plot move but they’re an interesting person sat opposite you on tube. Where are they heading and what will they do there? Possibilities are endless and can add a twist, reveal or reader reward by adding a few lines of intrigue but obviously if it makes sense backtracking script. Something plausible and believable even if a wild card. Also subtext or small action lines, what are they DOING right now. I recently added character turn their plate of spaghetti upside down in a restaurant when arguing with a girl. A simple action lasting 2 seconds yet big status quo changes not just for duo but owner of restaurant detests disrespect so tracks him down, now antagonists in his life are multi layered. Also as a member stated above already, research, it will take you deeper into characters world opening new doors. If my brains are fried I never push it but sit back and dwell on script’s story world. If a character has a certain job or hobby I do masterclasses in particular subject and tie in their world to at least one major change of status quo in script.