The Stage 32 Videos: Cook

Goulash With Greg

A Cooking Show

Watch this to be a master chef

Hello! I want to introduce you to the next generation of cooking shows. Who says a culinary show can’t win a comedy award? Enjoy this teaser, if you would like to see more content our IG is @TheRealEscoEats.

Downtown Plate Trailer Promo.mp4

New Cooking Show/Webseries that I'm Producing exclusively on please support and stop by theChannel and SUBSCRIBE. Thanks (The show will play every other Saturday).

Welcome to Movie Night || Movies. Food. Fun.

Movie Night combines my two biggest SFW passions: movies and food. Each episode focuses on one of my favorite movies, I share trivia about it, and take you through the steps of preparing a kick-ass theme meal to go with it (don't worry...even if you're a total a-hole in the kitchen, you'll be able to follow along with my step-by-step instructions ;-) ). I'm filmmaker and chef Michael Angelo...and this is Movie Night.

Adventure Dining Guide Teaser

“Eat civilized, miles from civilization,” on culinary adventures where our hostess prepares healthy gourmet outdoor cuisine and exciting beverages in scenic outdoor locations.

Food Showreel: Uriah Herr

A selection of the most mouth watering table top moments from my recent work.
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