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About what really happening lately on social media such us how really stupid become fast famous on social platforms and they badly affect on good peoples and specially the innocent youth generations
tunis #photography #photoshop #photoediting #lightroom #streetphotography Photography POV : Random Photo-Shooting Life Style & Other بعض من أجمل لقطات و صور 2022 ----------------------------------------------- شوي فوتوغرافي ملي خذيتهم في 2022 من جملة برشة تصاور اخرين مزينين و حلوين هذا جزء منهم و مازلت نخدم في فازت اخرين من برشة بلايص في تونس قابلت فيهم ناس طيبين محلاهم و الحاجة إلي تخليك تكمل وتواصل هي الدعم و التشجيع و التفاعل و معظم إلي قابلتهم ما تسمع منهم كان الكلمة الطيبة خاصة كيف يشوفوا التصوير و يقولو ملة فن و ملة بنة...
Want to play Fiasco with your friends at home? Visit your Friendly Local Game Shop to purchase it! Or buy it online at: Buy The Fiasco RPG Companion! Download the Saturday Night '78 scenario! Subscribe to Geek and Sundry: Join our community at: Buy the official TableTop mug!
Show host Bonnie Burton hits the streets of San Francisco to talk about Star Wars Day, how fans can celebrate, and which Star Wars character would make a good cabbie.
Star Wars isn't just about lightsabers and blasters and Death Stars...there's also lots of love! Join host Bonnie Burton for a special look at the great romances of Star Wars, from Han and Leia to Chewie and Malla.
Author Bonnie Burton answers questions about weird candy. The show previously aired online on Web Waste which is now long gone. So if you have questions/comments email them to Bonnie Burton at:
Watch Geek DIY host Bonnie Burton make fun crafts with her geeky celeb friends like Wil Wheaton, Grant Imahara, Clare Kramer, America Young, Jenna Busch, Team Unicorn, Javi Grillo-Marxuach and more.
TODAY I'm gonna talk about CREATIVITY. Next points come from my experience as a photographer, videographer and editor.
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