The Stage 32 Videos: English

My showreel

It's mostly in french, with a brief sequence in english

Showreel ENG FR DE NL

Vincenzo De Jonghe (44) is a multilingual character actor and presenter who lives in Belgium. He will soon appear in the drama series 'Pandore' (RTBF). He recently acted in the Dutch film 'Line of Fire’ and the drama series 'Haus aus Glas' (ARD and ARTE) and 'Sophie Cross' (France 3). A while ago, he played Johnny Pleetinckx in the drama series 'Fiskepark' (Canvas) which was nominated for the 'Ensors' and the 'Prix Europa'. Before that, he portrayed Bert Beeckman in the drama series 'De Ridder' on VRT 1 and Netflix for 4 years. He also had guest roles in 'Age of Iron' (ARTE), ‘Salamander’ (BBC Four) and 'The Missing’ (BBC One). Besides acting, language is one of his greatest passions. So he has performed roles in British-English, American-English, French and German. He also enjoys playing with accents.

Michelle Darkin Price showreel '23.mp4

A selection of short clips starring Michelle Darkin Price, showing an angry mother, a reflective lover, an apologetic patient, a crime scene investigator and an irritating telephone conversation. 2023

Gastón Brouet - Reel Actor

Gastón Brouet - Acting Reel

Forever Entirely Yours

Period Drama - Short Film - Set in Hampshire, England.(2020, 8 minutes, 35 Seconds)Emily - Carolyn MaitlandEdward Nash - David GarberDirector | Editor - Luke...

Showreel final 2020.mp4

My actors showreel, enjoy!

FLIGHT OF FLEETS - Corporate Anthem

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"Wasted Talent" Donnie Monologue Vostr

I like this scene i feel so connected to it. I can relate to it as an actor. Also to all the talented artist I've met along the away. I gotta keep working on...

Comment Parler L'Anglais Americain

Apprenez comment parler l'Anglais Americain avec Creisson Soni d'une mannier revolutionaire dans 5 minutes!


A selection of self tape clips to show a variety of characters & accents (in order: southern England, mid Atlantic American, Yorkshire, RP, East London, Southern American and actress’s native accent.

Sayuri Movie Trailer - English

More Info - Don’t between broken dreams of the traditional family. Misled by the on satisfied in desires of the parents. The story of The tragedy of an innocent girl marooned on a lonely Island. “THE NESTLING THAT FELL OUT OF ITS NEST” SAYURI A film by of Nalinda Priyadarshana and Ruchika Vikum Produced by Sumeda Dasanayaka You may be the next victim of decering spiritualists or reliable two faced media. The thrives on the tragedies of peoples. Who chase triviality? The time has come to start a conversation against the sinister and bitter reality of media ethics,the breakdown of low and order and the myths bent on takins us back in time We produce those responsible of her tragedy before you the jury of the silver screen. We assign you the grate duty of socializing the very verdict of it for the sake of those who value humanity
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