Sneak Peak at Horror Re-Scored 3: Main Titles / Opening Sequence
After completing the very daunting "The Erehwon" concept soundtrack album" project, D4D is returning to his regularly scheduled program of "re-scoring:" horror- films that he liked or had some kind of impact on him in his youth. The film of choice for this project is "Pumpkinhead". I am not trying to profit off Pumpkinhead or its success or following. I simply am using the film as a road map to follow around which to structure my new score. I am treating this as though I had been hired to "re-score" the picture.
He saw this movie when it came outout on hoe video after its theatrical release and the imagery and atmosphere of the film stuck with him. Never a fan of the music that is in the movie currently, he chose to create one that felt more befitting.
He explores a more primal sound for Pumpkinhead through lots of drums and varied metallic percussion as well as crickety and echoy manipulated percussion instruments and synth ambient sounds such as screaching birdds and howls.
Also, there is minimal use of string sections and brass sections and when used, they are featured doing various effects and not so much creating a melodiy or motif. It is to sound aggressive and menacing like Pumpkinhead himself. The music will clash with anything that is melodic and heartfelt as this is an ancient mythical creature created through witchcraft set loose in a modern world.