The Stage 32 Videos: Screenwriting

Your Sim-Carnation

Simulation Theory-the idea that the manifest world is a Simulation- has become the best explanation for the world. We're CODE-software that gets inserted into the Simulation on a periodic basis. What's behind the Simulation? Good question who knows. But its a way of looking at the world that seems to accommodate every belief like re-incarnation and re-writing history on demand. Although I continue to write feature scripts I'm also putting a lot of attention to online filmmaking. The market for theatrical releases, even the theaters themselves is shrinking not only because of streaming but because more and more people are getting their entertainment from social platforms. I post all these on Twitter, IG and YouTube shorts. I see myself continuing the legacy of "underground" filmmakers of a few decades ago.

Sound of Scripts Presents: Roam Free

Sound of Scripts Presents: The first 10 pages of Roam Free, a TV pilot written by Dylan Park. Produced by Connor Hunt. Presented by: Sound of Scripts To learn more about Sound of Scripts, please visit: NOTE: This audio play contains violence and racist/foul language some listeners may find offensive.

Seraphim's Miracle - Filmed Table Read

This is a filmed table read of JB Storey's feature-length film: SERAPHIM'S MIRACLE. Produced and directed by JB Storey. Associate Producer, Joanna Storey. Cinematography, sound and editing by Christopher Daniels. Starring: Hugh Berry, Telisa Steen, David Nance, Laura Elizabeth, Johanan Gabriel, Mathew Stull, Kendra McDermott , Laurel Paxton, Edgar Martinez, Rohish Deshmukh, Jeff Scott and Chris Scott.


A classic horror trope with a twist. Car breaks down. Unsuspecting victim runs into a masked man with a machete. Victim runs, but Slasher does not chase. He has another idea.


Teaser of an upcoming feature. An American Werewolf in Mexico tale.

Granada Tigers Sizzle Reel

Sizzle Reel with edited clips from captivating films to accentuate the visual elements and story line in Granada Tigers, a screenplay by filmmaker Michael Accorsi. Set in 1954 in a country town, A tight knit band of Italian boys venture off into a world of adventure and mischief. Only to clash with a group of rural boys who are fiercely determined to make their lives hell. When the boys refuse to back down, the results spark an unexpected string of events. Screenplay is currently being distributed. For more information about the Granada Tigers visit our website

Creating Better Scenes - Screenwriting - Craig D Griffiths

In this episode we look at all the things that you need to consider to make a scene great. Books on writing (including free books) can be found here: There are a number of articles as well as more on the topic of this video at: If you want to reach out you can comment on this video or make contact via the contact form at griffiths creative.

The Screenwriting Career You Deserve - Craig D Griffiths

In this video we look at why we have the screenplay career we have. We explore things we may be able to do to improve our careers. But when it all comes down to it. We have the career we deserve.

Plot Holes - How to find and fix them - Craig D Griffiths

In this episode we look at some famous plot holes as well as ways of fixing them. Books on writing (including free books) can be found here: There are a number of articles as well as more on the topic of this video at: If you want to reach out you can comment on this video or make contact via the contact form at griffiths creative.

Screenwriting Business Basic (You need to know) - Craig D Griffiths

This week we look at the actions of new writers that damage their chances of being taken seriously. By doing the things in the video you are telling people that you are inexperienced. This is not always a bad thing, but means you are going to be more work as they have to educate you on the business.

Beating Writer’s Block

In this video we look at why writers block may happen and some things you can do to help get over it.
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