The Stage 32 Videos: Writer

The Love Writing A Latte Hoodie

In a world of cool autumns and cold winters, a lover of coffee and writing finds warmth and comfort in the official Love Writing A Latte Hoodie to face the brutal seasons ahead. Unknown to the buyer, they would soon embark on a whole other level of swag!

Crooked Fences: A Novel by C.J. Heigelmann - 2020 Video Trailer

A prejudiced war veteran battling PTSD returns home to pursue his dream of becoming a police officer. But is he ready? Crooked Fences is a fiercely honest st...


director's showreel

Filmmakers in lockdown - Pablo Aura

These times have hit us hard as filmmakers. At the beginning of 2020 I believe we all had big plans for this year. However reality has struck hard. So I decided to make a video to premiere my new YouTube channel where I share some ideas on how we can overcome this crazy situation we're living in. Please take a look and comment on how are you coping with this.

Isasnora Snores' Big Surprise

Join us as we recreate a scene from Chapter One of Isasnora Snores. The tiny infant has a big surprise for all the party goers!

Amazonica Trailer

This is the trailer to our Bachelor film "Amazonica", directed, written, produced and written by Oriana Zaengerle and Laila Moinuddin in 2010. Starring: Gianna - Valentina Bauer, Miriam Feran, Guido Böhm. Music: David Reichelt; Sound: Joachim von Breitenstein; DoP: Matthias Grabichler; Produced by die Medienakademie München, 2010.

The Quarantine Comedy Show - episode 3

Episode 3 - Featuring Mike Perkins and Christine Fekete. With special musical guest Dan Paquin! You don't want to miss this! Comedy is the best medicine.

Jesse Hutch Director/Writer Reel 2018

Selections from the Directing & Writings of Jesse Hutch. Action/Comedy/Drama

Q&A with Director, Avery Rouda, at Austin International Film Festival

A Q&A with Writer, Director, Producer of Dream Catcher, Avery Rouda
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