One of the best ways to help build a successful screenwriting career is by building a successful network.
Thanks to Stage 32, networking doesn’t need to be intimidating or boring. But before we start cold-calling up the A-list, there’s a much easier group of people to contact first - our fellow screenwriters!
If you’re still of the mindset that other screenwriters are your competition, let me disabuse you of that notion right now. Your fellow writers ARE your lateral network! Lateral networking is an important step and an easy one, especially with Stage 32.
Lateral networking is building relationships with people who are at your level - of success and craft. On Stage 32, once you build a profile and join the Writers’ Room, next you need to seek out individuals with whom you feel you would vibe.
Look for writers working in the same genre, or same age, or same timezone, or someone who asked a great question at the last webinar you attended. Find people who just seem like someone you could easily talk to, or someone whose project interests you.
Next, send them a network request with a quick note: “Hey, I saw you write comedy-action. Me too! Would you like to trade scripts sometime or talk about what you’re working on?” It’s that simple! Most Stage 32 members will accept this request because you are not asking for anything, and in fact you are offering something - a free script read - which we all need!
Once 4-5 people accept your request, hop on Zoom and get to know what help each writer is looking for, and what help each could provide. Maybe you’re great at outlining, but suck at deadlines or maybe you’re great with character building but find world building difficult - find others who you can help and get help from.
Consider forming a small writing group for accountability, goal setting, designated writing time, notes, or just support. Bonus points for forming two groups! Make sure everyone is on the same page (pun intended) for regular meetings.
Lateral networking will allow you to grow your connections on equal footing, which is something that won’t happen when you try to network “up.”
See, wasn't that easy? So much easier than calling managers or agents - I promise!
Another benefit of a lateral network is expressed in the saying: “A rising tide lifts all boats.” As your group members find success, they can lift each other up.
When one member finds success, since they know your work, they’ll be much more likely to recommend you to their connections. Success breeds success - whether a contest win or a general meeting - the success of the individual helps to motivate the group. Also, you’ll have a shoulder to cry on when you get back tough notes, and a team to celebrate with when you get that contest win.
Once you’ve built your lateral network and have regular meetings, always make sure to know what your friends are working on and let them know what you’re working on.
It’s so much easier to promote someone else than yourself - so the next time you’re rubbing shoulders with the right people and they ask for your horror-comedy that you most definitely don’t have, you can talk up a friend who you know would be dying for this opportunity.
Not only does this help your friend, but it makes you look good to executives and helps you build your reputation with them. Give them what they want now, and they’ll be more willing to listen to what you have to offer later.
Filmmakers can use lateral networking to help build a team to shoot a proof of concept, scout locations, find cast and crew, etc.
There are many aspects of filmmaking that are made easier with a group. Learning from others is easy when you form a network that is built around each member helping each other.
This dynamic makes the relationship mutually beneficial and much more likely to survive through the months and years. While we’re on the subject of learning…
Stage 32 is an endless repository, nay a Library of Alexandria for screenwriters. Once you join the Writers’ Room you can go back and watch FREE weekly webinars from previous live events. A quick calculation of just the latest two years of fresh content: it’s over 450 webinars! And at about 2 hours per webinar - that’s over 900 hours of FREE content to help you improve your craft!
Topics of past webinars include: pitching executives, the critical first 10 pages, and how to finance your film - and that’s before you consider using your discount for new classes or previously-live webinars in The Vault!
Once you’ve taken advantage of the previous webinars, keep a look out for weekly LIVE webinars. During these FREE Zoom meetings, you can learn, ask questions, and meet other Stage 32 members to get on track for building your lateral network! See it all works together! The more you learn, the more you grow, the more you grow your network, the more you become “in the know.”
Also, look through the past and upcoming available education in The Writers' Room Vault and put a heart on a webinar that interests you. Every month buy one webinar on a subject that matters to you.
One webinar a month works out to just over a dollar a day - and without sounding too Sally Struthers - wouldn’t the cost of a cup of coffee (in 1979) per day be worth it to build your knowledge base and strengthen your craft? Thought so! And a great bonus is every webinar that you buy is available to rewatch for an entire year!
If you’ve read this far, thank you! But I also ask that you do one thing for yourself today - send out at least four network requests and watch at least one free webinar!
Stage 32 is here for us, but only if we take advantage of what it has to offer. See you in the Writers’ Room!
I joined Stage 32 not only to help myself improve, but also to help others. I offer to read scripts, loglines, and pitches. Since joining, I have met the most incredible and creative people who have helped me develop as a screenwriter.
I’ve written over twelve feature screenplays, two shorts, and two TV pilots (action-adventure, epic, thrillers, comedies, especially slapstick). I’m always developing my craft to make my scripts undeniable: reading tons of screenwriting books and scripts, attending classes and webinars, and going to Stage 32 zoom events. I've learned so much and I'm always willing to impart my second-hand knowledge to anyone in need.
Currently in pre-production on my first short (with an amazing director, first AD, and script supervisor that I met through Stage 32), and budgeting out my second short. Both of which I hope to film in 2022 and submit to festivals.
Being from the East Coast, I don’t tend to filter my feedback. I’m very direct and I appreciate direct feedback on my work. My skin is as tough as a Komodo dragon. My nickname is TT for Turbo Thompson because I can churn out work quickly and efficiently. Okay, only one person calls me that, but it's still true! Although lately I've been focusing on quality over quantity and collaboration over stagnation.
Recently, I was living in Buenos Aires, but since the pandemic I’ve been living outside Chicago. I can read Spanish, and almost write a full script in Spanish. I've also lived in Panama, and worked in Spain. I would say my Spanish is at an intermediate level.
I graduated from Boston University and The University of Chicago: Archaeology/Art History/French/Egyptology. I have worked as an archaeologist in Belize, Spain, Egypt, and USA.
I love sailing and took two years off with my family aboard our sailing catamaran to cruise The Bahamas, Jamaica, Panama, and Costa Rica. The highlight was traversing the Panama Canal from the Caribbean to the Pacific Ocean. People often ask me if I've written about those experiences, and despite the life/death nature of our adventures, I have not yet written about it directly, only inspired by. Perhaps one day, someone will want to hear about the home-birthing, home-schooling mom who made her husband quit his job to go be a sailing bum only to deal with fires, squalls, and international authorities.
Let's hear your thoughts in the comments below!
Got an idea for a post? Or have you collaborated with Stage 32 members to create a project? We'd love to hear about it. Email Taylor at and let's get your post published!
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