Posted by Richard "RB" Botto


Hey guys. Well, I thought this day would never come, but my book Crowdsourcing for Filmmakers: Indie Film and the Power of the Crowd is now available. Well, the e-book has been available for the last few weeks, but the hard copy was on back order due to what my publisher called “inventory problems”. The good news is that the overwhelming number of pre-sales caused those inventory problems. So for those of you who ordered a copy in advance, you book has either landed or you’ll be receiving it any day now.

Now don’t let the title fool you. Crowdsourcing for Filmmakers is not just for content creators. It’s for actors, screenwriters, cinematographers, crew, producers and anyone looking to build a brand and an army of passionate supporters of that brand.

In this DIY world and with more content being created than ever before, it’s more important than ever that you understand how to find, enlist and move an audience in support of you and your projects. We’ll cover everything you need to know to make that happen with this book, the first ever on film crowdsourcing and one of the few selected to be published under the American Film Market (AFM) Presents banner.

To learn much more about what’s inside the book including the 3 remarkable case studies featured, how many different things you can crowdsource and why crowdsourcing is different from crowdfunding (but why crowdsourcing is the most vital aspect of any successful crowdfunding campaign), please watch the video below.

And to order the book, please check out the links below!

Thank you to all the amazing Stage 32’ers who have taken this two-year journey with me and who checked in from time to time to see if I was still sane. The answer is…mostly. 




To order the Kindle version of Crowdsourcing for Filmmakers click here

To order the paperback of Crowdsourcing for Filmmakers  click here


This journey has been, and continues to be, all of ours. That said, I'd be extremely grateful if you'd help me get the word out about the book. If you have social media, please post about it. If you have a blog, please write about it. Or, if you have any media outlets that you think would be interested in covering it, please let them know. We're in this together! Thank you.

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