Posted by Allen Roughton

This. Is. It. The end of November is upon us. We've poured our blood, sweat, and tears (mostly just tears) into our writing this month. We've labored alongside each other, encouraged our peers to carry on, and shared in the sweet satisfaction of turning our ideas into something tangible - that beautiful act of writing!


November Write Club This Is Not the End


But this is not the end, it's just the beginning! We use every November to focus ourselves on writing, but don't stop here. You've all been posting in the Write Club Lounge for November, but challenge yourself to connect and foster discussion in the Screenwriting Lounge going forward. You've joined us for check-in webcasts (and we hope to see you for our last one Friday, November 30th, at 1pm PT), so keep meeting with your peers - join a writers' group, take a class, put together a table read, come to a meetup, participate in one of our Writing Labs, or meet with us every week in The Writers' Room. Whatever you do, just keep going!


Celebrate Your Accomplishments

Be sure to head over to the Write Club Lounge to give us one more update on what you wrote this month. We want to hear about your accomplishments and your struggles. We want to hear your brilliant ideas. And we want to hear what focusing on writing this month meant to you. For me, I outlined a feature script and a TV pilot, created a series document/bible, and wrote about 20 pages of the script! I haven't been this productive in months and it's really refocused me on my own writing. Nick's been working on wrapping up a feature and this month gave him the kick in the pants to focus on finishing. What did this month mean to you?


The Webcast

Check out the last Write Club Webcast below and join us Friday, November 30th, at 1pm PT for the final webcast.



Mark your calendars to join the FREE November Write Club Webcasts - we'll be putting the links in the November Write Club Lounge, so make sure you're in there:

Friday, November 9 @ 1pm PT (recording)

Friday, November 16 @1pm PT (recording)

Friday, November 30 @ 1pm PT (Click Here To Join Live)


Head over to the November Write Club Challenge Lounge by clicking here!


Like this blog post? Please share it on social media (Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, email etc) by using social media buttons at the top of the blog. Or post to your personal blog and anywhere else you feel appropriate. Thank you.

As always, we welcome thoughts and remarks on ANY of the content above in the Comments section below...


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