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Acting, Advice, Cinematography, Coffee & Content, Composing, Contests, Distribution, Featured, Filmmaking, Financing, Inspirational, Networking, Producing, Screenwriting, Success Stories, Tips, Trending,I hope all of you are well and looking forward to making some pretty amazing connections on Stage 32! I am a mother of three girls, one and a half college grads, and a little Einstein. My eldest is an entrepreneur and teaches influencers how to grow, increase leads, and sustainability. My middle child attends SCAD and has been in more films than I’ve ever written. My baby girl has mastered 2D, 3D, and all things technical more than mommy and preparing to do some work for Crunchyro…
Happy Autumn Creatives! Growing up, I was known for my tiny stature and enormous personality, pretty much what I’m known for now. I loved making friends, family, and old people smile. I spent most of my time with my grandmother, the best storyteller, seamstress and soul fool chef on the planet. I enjoyed the sweet smells of sweet potato custard and homemade biscuits baking in the oven while she taught me how to sew lace on a doll dress. When we were finished, I’d follow her…
Happy Thursday Stage 32 Community! I am beyond honored to present an amazing blog from long-time Stage 32 member, North Carolina-based screenwriter and author, Rashika Roberts! Rashika is the human equivalent of sunshine (check out this Instagram live we did with her to experience her joyous & inspirational energy) and is an incredible example of the magic that can come from networking on Stage 32. In the six years Rashika has been a member of Stage 32, she has popped into countle…
Like many of you, theirs been many days where I’d stare off into space wondering when I’d hear good news. I realized that I had two choices, bury my head and soak in the stress and weight of negativity or preoccupy myself by driving my kids insane, singing, dancing, or playing board games. So, I created other choices, flip a couple of houses, and redesign my entire first floor. New boxes showed up on my steps for almost three months. I was busy. I was creating. I used art, fa…
Pitching seems to be a mystery to some, especially if they're brand new to it. And even if they aren't, having a general idea of how to enter into one with confidence never hurts. Having been through the process myself, I'd like to offer eight valuable ways to pitch with confidence: 1) Do Your Research After you’ve competed your final rewrite, be sure to do some research about your chosen executive or network. Find out what they’ve produced and what they’re…