New works choreographed and arranged by Temuri Koridze performed by the incredible GEORGIA-AMERICA ART BRIDGE ENSEMBLE. The show in the second portion depicted was unfortunately very poorly filmed and unedited by the regional television station. It is a history of Georgia told via continuous dance, music and singing with intermittent narration by a very gifted young actor and has a duration of 1 and 1/2 hours. That work I can see far outweighing other culturally based works like "Riverdance" or "Lord of the Dance" or other such shows. It was previously entitled, simply "GEORGIA" or "SAKARTVELO" in the Georgian language, but, the show's choreographer and arranger has now dubbed it, "GEORGIA - 8th Wonder of the World." We are seeking producer to spot it, get it out to a wide world audience, and allow it to sensationally take the world by storm. It is destined to be the most incredible cultural musical ever seen.