"Rigamortis: A Zombie Love Story" (short) co-directed by Ted Campbell, available on iTunes "Shadow on the Wall" (short) written, produced and directed by Ted Campbell "Myrna" (tv pilot) co-written and directed by Ted Campbell
Stage 32 Founder & CEO RB had 1,000 Stage 32 members join him and special guests 6-time Emmy winner, Chris Boardman and VP of Development and Production at Rumble Films, Stephanie Wilcox. Stage 3...
RB spoke for 2-1/2 hours including a 20 minute tutorial on how to best utilize the Stage 32 Happy Writers section. He went over various classes, labs, pitching and coverage opportunities to help our w...
"Rigamortis: A Zombie Love Story" (short) co-directed by Ted Campbell, available on iTunes "Shadow on the Wall" (short) written, produced and directed by Ted Campbell "Myrna" (tv pilot) co-written and directed by Ted Campbell