"streams" - arthouse film | Ryan Henry Knight

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Ryan Henry Knight


STREAMS is an experimental arthouse short film directed by Ryan Henry. The project is a highly symbolic visual which accompanies his EP "bedroom sessions on a mac", which is a musical journey through his struggles with depression, love, and loss. ACT I STREAMS ACT II AUTUMN ACT III NIGHT TABLE IN FALL based on the EP "bedroom sessions on a mac" by DON RYAN https://soundcloud.com/sirryanhenry/sets/bedroomsessions DIRECTED BY ryan henry [http://twitter.com/DONRYANHENRY] nhu nguyen [http://twitter.com/nhuboo_] CREATIVE DIRECTION BY ryan henry CONCEPT BY ryan henry MUSIC WRITTEN & PERFORMED BY DON RYAN / ryan henry CAST abu khan ariana puga hiba faisal luis hernandez ryan henry © RYAN HENRY PRODUCTIONS with DOTI CONSULTING, LLC 2016

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