Our first red tail, 'thorn', in "smallville: veritas" | Joanne Bentley

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Joanne Bentley
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Our first Red Tail, 'Thorn', in "Smallville: Veritas"

January 22nd, 2008 - a bitterly cold day in south Langley at the exterior set of Clark Kent's family farm. 'Thorn' had never performed in front of cameras before, and I admit to having felt no small measure of butterflies - made all the more intense for having been informed that morning "If we don't get this shot of him flying into the barn, we've got no episode". Ulp...! Even so, I knew my boy - trusted in the intense but patient preparation he and I had undertaken for the two days ahead of filming. Playing to the strengths of a performing bird-of-prey is key - reading their body-language deeply and actually listening to what they're communicating is as critical as any other part of the process of socializing them to the bizarre environment of life on a busy set. Disguised as a Red Tail buzzard, Brainiac spies on Super Girl to make sure she's alone before trying to convince her to help him in his latest scheme. Satisfied Clark Kent won't interrupt them, he flies into the barn to transform into his human form (performed by James Marsters). What fans of "Smallville" see in the first five minutes of "Veritas" was the most exhilarating thirteen hours of work I could remember participating in for a very long time. Thank you, 'Thorn'...you left us the gift of your beauty in these on-screen moments, and started The Falconlady & "Team Feathers" on its way.

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