Jelica Zdravković: Student and screenwriter in Belgrade, Serbia.

Lee Shargel

Hello Jelica and welcome to my STAFE 32 network. Always something going on here and encourage you to take part in as many programs that STAGE 323 has to offer. Please keep in touch and let us know how you are doing in SERBIA.

Lee Shargel

OOPS! TYPO there. I meant STAGE 32 network.

Jelica Zdravković
Zero Gravity

Zero Gravity responded to my query and asked me to send them the script. Does anyone have experience with them? How long does it take them to respond and what can I expect?

Mark Deuce

They are very big Jelica Zdravković

Mark Deuce

After looking at some of the comments you might want to think twice Jelica Zdravković and use the writers room here to promote your creations. Just a thought.

Sholanda Coleman

They asked for two of my scripts and I never heard back from them. That's usually the same story I hear from other people. I don't know anyone who they have actually signed.

Adam Brandt
Received a pass on written pitch

This pitch went better than the last one, but I'm a bit confused. Less is more, I keep reading. It's stated in the pitch summary here before purchasing.

My latest was a one-page with logline, and structured in three acts. The idea is to reveal the world, main characters, and story.

My latest feedbac...

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Maurice Vaughan

I like your pitch, Adam Brandt. It’s entertaining and you did a great job describing the characters, story, and obstacles. Here are some suggestions:

#1) Use the extra space at the bottom of both pages...

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Adam Brandt

Maurice Vaughan you always come through with some of the best advice! Fixed and found a way to squeeze in a couple more paragraphs. Thanks friend!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Adam Brandt. Ok, great!

Vasco Saraiva
Logline Feedback

Hello, any and all feedback would be appreciated.

Here are 4 versions:

Instead of finally getting a job promotion, a body guard is thrown inside a deadly and mysterious underground maze.

During the celebration of a much anticipated job promotion, a body guard is thrown inside a deadly and mysterious...

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Vasco Saraiva

He's trapped. I already changed it for that word.

Kiril Maksimoski

Third one is most complete.

Vasco Saraiva
Zorrawa Jefferson
Could this guy make a good main character?

What do you guys think? Should I dial him down a bit or is he alright so far?

Rutger Oosterhoff

As Craig says. Or said in a slightly different way:

There is just too little story to judge about, first page or not. There simply isn't enough context yet. Pro or amateur judging this page, that doesn...

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Jelica Zdravković

Try not to stress over every little thing, at least not yet. You'll make a lot of drafts anyway.

If you set up the place correctly and have developed characters, the dialogue will come on its own.


Instead of "Jasper loves every moment of it", It's better to describe his action like how he express that he is enjoying. keep writing. All the best!

Michael David

Interested in hearing from screenwriters who have a full day to devote to the craft - how many hours a day do you actually spend writing? Maybe it's because I'm on "the wrong side of 40" but I find it hard to spend more than 4 hours a day on solid writing.

Interested to hear about other people's output!

Richard Buzzell

Michael - 3-4 scripts a year is pretty good output. Why is it you feel you need to write more than that?

Allen (Talen) Legacy

I write everyday, but how much time varies. It can be a hour or two or a whole day if things are rolling for me.

Pamela Jaye Smith

May the New Year bring all Writers new inspiration, plenty of time to craft it, and lots of Rewards and Recognition. Best to you all!

Jelica Zdravković
New feature plus more...

Merry Christmas everyone!

I hope the next year brings us happiness and many work opportunities.

I just posted a longline for my newest feature. Please check it out, if you have time.

I am very proud of it. It's my third project. It's getting serious...

Second news, I also decided to try writing a bo...

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Hector Valle

Go forth and conquer!

Maurice Vaughan

I hope you had a great Christmas, Jelica Zdravković. Hope 2024 brings us happiness and many work opportunities too. Best to you on writing your book. I suggest checking out the Authoring & Playwriting...

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Wal Friman

A pantomime who kidnaps a child is a very good and creepy concept. Good job.

GENRE: Thriller, Crime

A 7-year-old boy gets kidnapped by a pantomimist girl who suffers from PTSD. As the police have no clue what happened, a psychotic former criminal will try to understand the pantomimist's mind to find a boy and get a payback for his years spent in prison.

Jim Boston

Rated this logline

Bobby G

Rated this logline

Maurice Vaughan

Unique concept, Jelica Zdravković. I think your logline needs a little work. Here's a logline suggestion: "When a pantomimist girl who suffers from PTSD kidnaps a boy and police can't find him, a psychotic ex-criminal tries to understand the pantomimist's mind to find the boy and get payback for his years spent in prison."

Also, is the ex-criminal trying to get payback on a little girl? Or do you mean a young woman? I know some people mean "young woman" when they say "girl."

If you mean "young woman," my logline suggestion is "When a pantomimist young woman who suffers from PTSD kidnaps a boy and police can't find him, a psychotic ex-criminal tries to understand the pantomimist's mind to find the boy and get payback for his years spent in prison."

Or this logline: "When a female pantomimist who suffers from PTSD kidnaps a boy and police can't find him, a psychotic ex-criminal tries to understand the pantomimist's mind to find the boy and get payback for his years spent in prison."

Jelica Zdravković

Thank you Maurice Vaughan !

She is described as character in her 20s, but her style and choice of clothes is pretty childish so people think she is a young teenager, that’s why I refer to her as a “girl”. Also because of her PTSD she had never really grow and acts like a child.

But I like the idea of referring to her just like a “female” it seems closer. Thanks for the tip!

Maurice Vaughan

You're welcome, Jelica Zdravković. Ok, so maybe use "female pantomimist" or "childish pantomimist." I like "childish pantomimist." I think it would really make your logline stand out.

Jelica's network

Katrina Lena
Billy Kwack
Oscar Calixto
Anton Roff
Lee Shargel
Vincent Weberink
Stefon L.C.
William Lwena
Dave Aquino
Mario Burnias
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