Lee Davis: Screenwriter in Tolland, Connecticut.

Eric Pagan
My Kryptonite - SUBTEXT!

I write "on the nose". Does anyone have any good techniques on writing subtext? When watching movies, I can pick out each and every subtext, but when it comes to writing them, I'm lost.

CJ Walley

This is why the script needs to convey context. And also why writers, directors, and actors need to be working closely together.

Yo No

Lajos Egri's books "The Art of Dramatic Writing" and "The Art of Creative Writing" are two of the best books I've ever read on writing, even though they're like 50 years old and more geared towards pl...

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Eric Pagan

Thanks for the info, I'll put that on my list. I just started reading Dr. Lina Seger's book writing subtext.

Lee Davis

Hi Nikita - Thanks for the Friend request. My new thriller script is set in Russia. What are you writing about now?

Nikita Ivanenko

Hello, Lee! Nice to meet you, thanks for accepting. Right now busy with the casting of a historical action (https://www.stage32.com/profile/90357/Screenplay/the-Dead-mans-mound-3) and rewriting the sc...

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Lee Davis

Congratulations of making it to the PAGE semifinals with "One White Crow." I tried to send you a friend request earlier, but I'm not sure you received it. You can check out my profile (Lee Davis, Tolland, CT). I'm eager to connect because I think our writing interests overlap -- I'm also developing...

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Lee Davis

Serpentine Poster

Lee Davis

Serpentine Title Sequence

Lee Davis

Sanctions Credit Sequence

Lee Davis

Sanctions Poster

Lee Davis

Cold Front Films Logo

Lee Davis

Serpentine Poster (Color)

GENRE: Mystery, Thriller

A postal worker, whose over-imaginative son starts speaking about a previous life as a murder victim, faces danger when a maximum security prison inmate realizes the child might soon remember the murderer.

Ross Somerville

Hi, Lee, thanks for connecting!!

Lee Davis

Hi Thomas: Where can I find out more about the Connecticut Film Festival. When is it held? Does it have a screenplay competition? Do you review and/or interview festival participants. How can I get involved? Here's a link to coverage of the recent Sarasota Film Festival you might be interested in. h...

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Thomas Carruthers

Greetings Lee, Just getting back to Stage 32 after a long hiatus. Here's our next festival in April. We produce 6-7 weekend film and digital media festivals each year as well as a statewide monthly fi...

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Diane Riggins

Hi Lee, thank you for connecting.

Lee Davis

Attention screenwriters, producers, directors, actors, and other film enthusiasts, If you need to get in touch with me, also try leaving me a message at: www.facebook.com/fdavis.mobile

Lieutenant Raymond E. Foster, LAPD (ret.)

Thanks for the invitation to connect on Stage 32. You can view my complete CV at http://www.police-lieutenant.com. You can also join me on Twitter at http://www.twitter.com/policeofficer. Best, Lieutenant Raymond E. Foster, LAPD (ret.)...

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Lee Davis

Hi Jeanne. "Bowerman is here." Seeing your face on the wall legitimized Stage 32 for me. I read your Script magazine columns regularly (just posted a comment on your Greg Beal interview). If I had to choose a script doctor, I'd go with you or Pilar Alessandra (she would also have been my casting cho...

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Jeanne Veillette Bowerman

Go with PIlar. I'm more of a screenwriter therapist than a script consultant :) Thanks for the support and for reading my columns!

Lee Davis

Thanks, Jeanne. I was kidding about Pilar (although I do have a good opinion of her skill). I know you're busy, so please don't feel obligated to reply, but I am curious what you mean. What's the diff...

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Jeanne Veillette Bowerman

"Therapist" in the sense that I help writers overcome their fears about not only writing but life. Usually a writer blocks themselves from success by not grabbing a hold of their career. I help them f...

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Dave McCrea
Favorite script for dialogue?

In another thread, people were talking about Tarantino and Sorkin for dialogue, but my favorite has to be Oliver Stone, that is if it was in fact him who wrote the dialogue of Wall Street. Almost every scene has a quotable line or two. Does anyone have a favorite script for dialogue?

Lee Davis

Yeah, although DePalma was a visual virtuoso in a way. The museum scene is purposely filled with modern art because DePalma is influenced by how much painters accomplish without words. More recently S...

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Kathy Jean

Three that I can never get out of my head because of the very smart dialogue: Tombstone (favorite actors: Powers Boothe, Dana Delany, Val Kilmer, Michael Biehn), The Shootist (John Wayne, Lauren Bacall, Ron Howard), Big Jake (John Wayne, Maureen O'Hara)

Shawn Speake

Yeah, Tombstone is classic. "I'm your huckleberry." My favorite western. One of my new favorites is LOCKOUT, 2012, by Luc Besson, with Stephen St. Leger and James Mather. Guy Pearce plays the protag a...

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Rodney Simmons

After the first draft is done and editing begins how do you go about it? I know everyone has a different approach on everything when it comes to writing so I'm curious how others do it. For me once I finish my story my first edits are only grammatical. Next I'll start my first revision. In my first...

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Rodney Simmons

Why do you feel it's better to write multiply drafts instead of just editing the first one?

Kerry Douglas Dye

I think Alle's approach is not typical. If it works for her, great, but I doubt that's what most people do. I would guess that the reason she does that is to avoid the common rewrite trap: leaving som...

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Nanette L. Baird


Lee Davis

Thanks Chris, I'll let you know when I post scripts on The Blacklist.

Tony McFadden
Female Protagonists

I wrote this originally on Danny's wall, then realised this is a better place for it. He already knows. A link to his Feb ScriptMag article on female protagonists. Well worth the read... http://www.scriptmag.com/features/taming-shrew-writing-female-characters......

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Stuart Land

I'm with you all the way, Beth. And your facts are, in fact, facts. Most of the cultures of the world promote men in one fashion or another,over women. The movie biz from our standpoint, that being th...

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Beth Fox Heisinger

Wow, Stuart, well said. I couldn't agree more. Indy is the way to go. We may not be able to move mountains, yet, but foothills, absolutely. :)

Bill Hunter

I couldn't agree more with both of you. I think women should be given the same opportunities as men. I hope more women move up into those roles currently dominated by men. It would change the landscap...

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Lee's network

Massoud Heydarian
Federico Aletta
Sandra Elise Williams
Brian Edwards
Wesley Tallant
Vaibhav (Gappu)
Rayner Guerra
Brian Edwards
Blaq Deen
SR Kui
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