Patrick Freeman's Lounge Discussions

Patrick Freeman
Let's talk about fi-core

OK, so you finally became a full-fledged card carrying member of the world famous SAG-AFTRA

You put in the work, you got all the wavers, you paid the membership fee and now you're in!

Now you're a professional. Now people have to take you seriously. Better jobs should be coming your way any day now.


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JD Hartman

SAG membership is no guarantee of work. Skill, training, who you know and sometime "right place right time", gets you work.

Kahlid Elijah Tapia

This has been a question of mine for some time. I'm not with the union but I've gained a reputation overseas. Now, I understand that most of the work I do overseas will not be recognized by SAG and th...

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Antonio Ingram
What is the exact reason that screenwriters don't get paid what they should?

Hello, everyone. I feel like I haven't done a post on here in forever. Anyway, I've seen recently the issue going with the WGA negotiations. I always hear that writers don't get paid what they deserve and read in articles about it, but what is the actual reason? Has there been an answer given from t...

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D Marcus

I suspect you are the exception, Doug. I do not have a professional career other than writing. You are fortunate to have the money you need to live and then write only what you want to write. I write...

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Claus Ronnex Printz

All business negotiations follow the same basics: The most desperate folks are paid the least. If you "need" to sell your script to be able to eat you're in the worst possible position. If you're read...

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Doug Nelson

D Marcus - I'm not the lucky exception; anyone can do it. Actually it's fairly easy for a young warrior. You got me thinking about where I was 20 years ago: During the 80's I traveled all over the cou...

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D Marcus

Isn't this place great! Dan moved to producing, Doug built a professional career instead of writing and I make my living writing. Each comes with a different perspective. Those of you who do not write...

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Doug Nelson

D, we're all the same - we each traveled a different path, yet here we all are, basically at the same place at the same time.

Caroline Bucholz
Daily rate for a Director

What is the average daily rate for a director? first time working on a budget. Just need some average numbers or a website that can provide me with those numbers. Personal message me if that works better for you

Arthur Hoang

sound good !

D Marcus

The DGA has their minimums. Average rates would be different depending on the experience of the director and the region. An experienced non-Guild director in New York with three or more features finis...

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Patrick Freeman

Are you looking to hire a director or are you a director looking to get hired?

Here's the DGA rate card

Anyone not in the guild can negotiate any rat...

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Patrick Freeman
Fist Fight, Chips, Baby Boss?

Does Hollywood even WANT a good script? Would they know what to do with one if they had it?

Jody Ellis

Of course. But that's not an uncommon desire in this industry. I would guess that every working writer out there has some pet project up their sleeve that they see as wildly different from anything el...

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Travis Sharp

Push The Medium... sounds like a decent porn title.

Jorge J Prieto

I was so happy to see, "Moonlight" win best picture. Bill is right there were some great films in theaters. I also enjoyed, "Nocturnal Animals" did anyone here liked that film?

Jody Ellis

Jorge, Noctural Animals is on my list, haven't gotten to it yet. Glad to hear you liked it, it got mixed reviews.

Travis Sharp

Maybe skip the first 3 minutes of Nocturnal Animals.

Patrick Freeman

Let's say you're a dues paying member of SAG/AFTRA. You're struggling to build your career. You have a little league agent but at least he's an agent. You pay what money you can spare to a publicist. You have a few shorts to your credit. After years of paying your union dues, how does it make you fe...

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Scot Michael Walker
WGA Strike. What happens to scabs?

It looks like the screenwriters might be heading towards another strike and my question is this – how does this affect the non-union writers out there?

Anyone have experience with the last strike?

If you are a beginner and someone falls in love with your screenplay and wants to purchase it, if you sel...

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Andrew Martin Smith

Most screenwriters are amateur hobby writers and will never have a credit and will never a join a writers union. But - if opportunity knocks - they can visit a writers union site and download a set of...

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Wayne Taylor Interesting read (if you're interested in the strike)....

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D Marcus

Doug, if a producer buys a script during a strike they would be violating the agreement they have with the WGA. If a signatory producer chooses to no longer follow the WGA agreement they can. They ONL...

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Anthony Cawood

There's a new episode of the WGA West's podcast 3rd & Fairfax just out that is a roundtable with the WGA negotiators... makes for interesting listening.

D Marcus

Most times a strike is a good thing. Workers have gotten higher wages and safer work environments because of strikes.

Stephanie Gaudinier
How to get started as a PA

Just starting out in the industry and I am looking for advice on how to get office PA, Producer PA or Writer's Assistant jobs. I know you start off in the office and move up to the other two after gaining enough experience. But how did you get your start?

Patrick Freeman

I answered a post on Craigslist. Called the guy, went down the next day and started working that day.

Blake Barnett

Should also add your info to as many crew directories/resources as you can find such as,,, etc.

Eva Radke Pitalo

Join ArtCube in the city where you work. Real-time job offerings. They post long term and last minute gigs.

Anne Pariseau
Getting Your Mojo Back After a Break

So, I've taken an extended break from all things film making for about 9 months. I know, it was sacrilege. Chalk it up to temporary insanity. During that time, I seemed to lose my inspiration. I'm wondering, what are some ways that you re-invigorate your passion after a lapse like that? What gets yo...

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Anne Pariseau

Thanks everyone!! I laid low for a little longer and found inspiration here recently in taking on directing a full feature film. Getting active on set reignites me. I forgot that is how I got started...

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Jack Bybee


Just the opposite worked for me.

After writing the Journal of Rudd (book) I started slogging through the screenplay. I was exhausted by the book(!) Just burnt out. So... I stopped. I left all hist...

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Anne Pariseau

Thanks Jack, that's a great point as well. Sometimes I just need to rest my mind.

Jack Bybee


Yes, rest your mind/brain... but also open your mind to receiving the creativity you need (not want). I find going into Nature, meditating, wandering an art museum, a bookstore, or reading a bo...

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Doug Nelson

Annie - I know the feeling. I've not written anything for months and now it's time to start up once again - I'm a little overwhelmed right now.

Nicholas Gautschi
Editor & 1st AD looking to edit and 1st AD

Hello Everyone!

I've been working as a freelance editor since 2012, and over the last year or two, I've gotten more and more into preproduction.

This started as a request from a director friend who saw something about Martin Scorsese "shooting for the edit" and asked me if I could think of a way to do...

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Nicholas Gautschi

I've worked solely through referral up until now. I'm adding links to my profile as I write this, though! Please feel free to click on my most recent work.

Vladislav Nogin

Hello Nicholas, welcome!

Roberta Jarrett Iervolino

Beautiful work, Dude! Editors seam to be really under appreciated for what they do, am I wrong?

Nicholas Gautschi

Thank you so much! I appreciate the kind words, and I'll be returning them after I look around your profile.

And don't get me started on freelance editors! Used to be, everyone just needed some things...

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Nicholas Gautschi

Hello Vladislav! Thank you for reading my post

Phillip E. Hardy, "The Real Deal"
When you come up with an idea for a screenplay, how do you know it's a good one?

“I tend to do projects I’ve had in mind for two years, so they’re slowly boiling on the stove like stock. And by slowing yourself down, you only write stories that really resonate. I’m always choosing between three films I’d like to make and I always choose the one that means the most to me.”

— Rich...

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Steve Cleary

Aw man, I have good half-dozen story ideas simmering on the back burners. Not ready to commit to any of them yet, but they're building flavor. Sometimes it's a single line of dialogue that will inspire me so to jump right in. Then there's no turning back :^}

Zlatan Mustafica

No one really knows from the get-go, right? Personally, I don´t start writing before I actually can see the movie play out before my eyes, literally speaking almost. It helps to have a very visual min...

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Doug Nelson

Hey Uncle Phil - Every Idea I have for a screenplay must be a good 'un, or I wouldn't have thought it up in the first place. I got desk drawers chock full of wonderful ideas. (Ha ha.)

Jody Ellis

My guy calls me the "idea machine". Sometimes those ideas are good, sometimes they are bad, sometimes they are so far out there he looks at me with something close to fear.

When I come up with an idea...

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Zlatan Mustafica

I like what you´re saying there, Jody. I am pretty similar that way. Do you also find that sometimes some of those "outrageous" ideas evolve into something entirely different after a while? That has happened to me a few times :)

Sheila Simmons
Pitch Sessions

So the email I received today states 'Proven Execs Seek Female-driven Feature Scripts'. I was intrigued to see what that entailed was after reading the email, I clicked out here to Stage 32. So, there are various interesting pitch sessions being offered, but.... you have to pay 30 dollars for them....

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Brian Shell

I agree with the speed dating analogy Wayne, and the reason a pass was worth it Patrick is that it caused me to get on Skype and talk with my Dad on it for the first time as practice for the pitch. I...

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Hans Nielsen

I just signed up for my third or fourth written pitch. I kinda forget which. The last one landed a read by a well respected film pro who gave me a full rundown on what he liked and didn't like about a...

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Brian Shell

Has anyone signed up for a second pitch with the same film exec who passed the first time? My drum teacher's daughter debated me today and said I should pitch the guy again who didn't get my concept t...

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M L.

You are not the only one who finds paying to pitch odd. It's really just practice for when you may eventually be in a position to pitch projects either in a professional capacity, such as when you're...

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Allen Roughton

Hey, I am the coordinator of Happy Writers who puts together these exact pitch sessions. We know there are a lot of shady services on the internet, which is why we only partner with execs active in th...

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James Grant Goldin
Strike Authorization

Well, negotiations aren't going very well, so, Friday night, the WGA West requested members for a strike authorization. Thoughts?

D Marcus

As a member of the WGA I do not believe the guild is beholden to such entities as organized crime. It seems C is going back to the unions (not guilds) of the 1930's. All we want is a bigger piece of the pie. Producers want to pay less, writers want more. Not exactly a radical situation.

C Harris Lynn

It isn't what you want; it's how you're going about getting it. And your'e projecting, pointing fingers, and gaslighting... just like I said you would. I told you I know a thing or two about this. ;)

Anthony Cawood

D - and it's the same the world over... the workers (insert writers) want more, bosses (insert producers) want to pay less, and in all/most democratic societies the workers are represented by a union...

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C Harris Lynn

No, Anthony - not that I know of (lol). I was referring more to the "Liberal Elite in Hollywood," as they've taken to referring to themselves: The folks who came out in overwhelming support of Frau Cl...

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Talece Brown

Yeh well reality tv is a lot like fast food at the mall. Just watching the results makes you never want to eat or write again

Martina Cook

Just curious to know how you guys and girls react to feedback? I got notes from an "expert", great reputation, but his greatest criticism was that parts of it were not "believable"...So now I don't know if I should rewrite it completely to make it more believable or just make minor adjustments and k...

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JD Shepherd

If it's Believable, probably a boring film. Are you drawn into another world and buy into an Unbelievable story, now we're talking. Some of the most compelling "based on true stories" are very hard to believe.

Michael Moser

I think this is where a few different opinons and feedback would be useful. If everyone has the same critiques, then there may be something to it. Remember though, just because one person, no matter how expert they are, it is still just one person and everyone has opinions! Best of luck!

Pidge Jobst

I'm with JD; many films are unbelievable, especially that one where it wasn't believable that the U.S. government would recognize the catastrophic consequences of a flying-machine if used as a missile...

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Eric Christopherson

I think genre drives a lot of the requirements on believability. Sci Fi and Fantasy: You can get away with a lot. But I can't think of a good murder mystery that requires a lot of suspension of disbel...

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Debbie Croysdale

Martina. (Sorry can't type at icon before name cos server brings up multiple names....web page glitch of which there are many). RE critic They said everything about policeman is unbelievable, yet a by...

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Victor Titimas
What is a good screenplay?

What do you think makes a screenplay good or bad? Is a good screenplay one that follows all screenwriting rules found in various theory books(eg: "Save the cat")? Thank you for taking your time to read this!:)

Pierre Langenegger

A good screenplay is entertaining, it tells a good story and you enjoyed the process, it flows smoothly and there aren't elements that pull you out of the story. Screenwriting book formulas have nothing to do with a good screenplay, they merely contain suggestions to help you write.

Adam C. Fisk

I think too many people try to be critics these days and because of that, these so-called "rules" as to what a good screenplay or movie should be have complicated things. It's very simple - a good scr...

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Jorge J Prieto

The two Dan's hit the nail on the head. Also mass worldwide appeal which is why so much $$$ is spend on Dc Comic and Marvel films, they don't care about story only $$$ returns. It's the nature of the...

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Pidge Jobst

A page turner -- a rib-breaker with funnies every 7 seconds if it's a comedy that makes the reader laugh-out-loud, or a gut-wrenching "Oh, shit" if it's a drama or horror; "didn't expect that" if it's...

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Doug Nelson

Now there's a question that can be easily answered in ten words or less - not!.

Dylan Kalloo
Sitting on a script with no idea on what to do with it

I was working on the production of a short film but sadly it fell flat. I had no desire of trying to get the film made again and wanted to connect with other filmmakers who might be interested. I usually make the shorts I write so this is a first. How do you all go about finding filmmakers and pitching your ideas/work?

Doug Nelson

Ed, PM me with your e-mail & I'll send a pdf of the script, the logline and the basic character bios. I'm not going to line the script, I'm not going to give you a story board or a shot list. I idea i...

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Ed Blount

Doug my email is

Doug Nelson

Ed, I sent it out a moment ago - the reason I asked yo to PM me your e-mail was so that it's not made public.

Ed Blount

I couldn't figure out how to pm and my tech assistant wasn't around . Thanks. Doug I will read tomorrow

Doug Nelson

I know what you're saying - my tech guru is my granddaughter.

Patrick Freeman

I particularly like his point #5 Don't Just Copy Others.

I'm so sick of seeing the same tired and boring techniques over and over again by DPs who think they're being trendy. Shaky Cam is one obvious e...

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Mark Ratering

Me too, give me a dang actor that can carry the scene himself.

Christopher Binder
Cutting To Extreme Wide During Conversations

So I noticed in Rogue One when Vader is talking with Krennic that occasionally they'll cut to an extreme wide shot of the room and the large window that shows outside then cut back to over the shoulder. What's the motivation for that? Why include that in the coverage? I also noticed it done once in...

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Patrick Freeman

I haven't seen the movie but it might be what's called a "cat-in-the-window" shot. Often a director will include shots like that just in case. Sometimes the edit doesn't go smoothly. Maybe there's a c...

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Christopher Binder

Has some merit I guess.

Mark Ratering

Look at shooting two ways. Now I'm not 100% sure, but you either shoot the s*** out of it or do 2 shots a day. Big money goes with shooting the heck out of it. Soooooooooo when you see something like that that was the best choice.

Christopher Binder

You say to look at it two ways then say you're not sure? I think I'll pass.

Jean-Pierre Chapoteau

I think the only real answer is it was their artistic choice. I'm sure every director has their different reasonings. I know they don't do it for safety though, that's for more indie directors....

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