Anne Marie Robinson's Lounge Discussions

Tennyson Stead
Checking In for Introduce Yourself Weekend!

Hello, Stage 32! My name is Tennyson E. Stead, and I'm a resident blogger as well as a screenwriter, director, producer and content creator. This month's Stage 32 blog was on writing diverse characters, and you can find it here:


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Twitch is the world's leading video platform and community for gamers.
Richard "RB" Botto

Doing quite well, Tennyson. Been full speed ahead on any number of projects as well as the day to day of running this joint.

Tennyson Stead

Richard "RB" Botto Well done, sir. Stay healthy and take care of yourself, my good man!

Peter Mahan

Richard "RB" Botto How is the biopic screenplay you were commissioned to do coming along? I don't envy you having to keep so many plates spinning at Stage 32 and then want to spend time writing.

Ricki Linksman

Hi Tennyson, your projects sounds great. My 3 scripts feature strong diverse leads so I am excited you did a webinar on it. I would love to hear it. In fact, on Wed. I was in the pitch tank with Anna...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Deep in the writing, Peter Mahan. Had to switch gears last week to create a new bible for the TV project I've mentioned in the past. That was a fun endeavor. Some more work on that this week and then...

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Harry Dzumhur
Mandela Effect

You are about to enter another dimension.../  This was partially the first sentence of the Twilight zone. Remember?  Now me and hundreds ( thousands?) or more people think that they have entered the Twilight Zone. Have you heard of the Mandela Effect? Here's a  definition: " where a person recalls s...

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Donn Swaby

Toni, here's a You Tube video showing the clip of the Scarecrow with a black revolver and the Tin Man carries a large lug wrench, not just his ax (the wrench is "new" too!) :

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Donn Swaby

It's actually a silver revolver not black. But still no one who grew up with this film remembers Scarecrow ever having a gun yet there it is in his hand clear as day.

Tennyson Stead

I actually wrote a short play in which a wife in marriage therapy keeps swapping her husband out with versions from other dimensions, called Youniverse. It was fast, funny, stupid, and it made me a bunch of new friends. We had a blast!

Anne Marie Robinson
  1. I'd love to see Youniverse! and 2. I just watched the clip of Wizard of Oz and am dumbstruck that he had a gun, and that he didn't try to use it on the flying monkeys!
Tennyson Stead

Anne Marie Robinson We staged it at a festival of one-acts at Theatre of Note in Hollywood. It was great. I'm happy to send the script, if you're curious.

Anne Marie Robinson
Costumer with a side hustle of meditation instructor : )

Hi All, I'm Anne Robinson, I am a comedy screenwriter BUT work as a costumer in LA right now. I LOVE costuming comedy! Of course, I costume everything..... I also have 4 female driven features to share AND teach yoga and meditation to a private clientele and, right now, my own meditation is helping...

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Cylinda McAlister

Hello Anne, that sounds like a fun job. I to am working out and it has helped a lot and it feels so good after working out. Have a great day...:))

Richard "RB" Botto

Sounds like you are taking those lemons and squeezing all the juice out of 'em, Anne Marie. Good on you!

Heather Hale
Hey Everybody! Hope you're Sheltering Safely in Place!

Heather Hale here, Film & TV Producer, Director, Screenwriter; Author and Consultant.

Just relocated from LA, CA (via Tucson, AZ) to Savannah, GA - getting my MFA at SCAD.

Love to connect with any and all!

I'll be (hopefully) shooting our TV series in LA in Sept (assuming productions are rolling...

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COVID-19 Got You (Locked) Down?
COVID-19 Got You (Locked) Down?
With the country deep into the COVID-19 lockdown, Heather Hale shares advice and links to emergency artist grants, free screenplay download resources and extended free-trial codes for streaming shows.
April Watts

Hi Heather ! Nice to connect with you. Stay safe

Shadow Dragu-Mihai, Esq., Ipg

Hi Heather, it's been quite a while since we spoke. Hope you are well, let's keep in better touch. My series Sin 13 premieres July 11 on -ODG, which launches that same day.

Evelyn Von Warnitz

All time great inspirational posts, Heather! Thank you.

Mandi Allen

Hi Heather, lovely to meet you. Hope you're doing good?

Heather Hale

Hope you're all staying safe!!! And creative inspired and engaged!

Tony Viola
Tony Viola - Private Film Funder

Well Hello Stage 32!!! My name is Tony Viola and I provide Film Funding Services for all types of TV & Film Projects all over the world. I love the industry, art and music.. This is awesome to be in the presents of so many like minded, creative people!!!

Larry Kostroff

Hi Tony, I have a project you might find viable for an investment. Can we talk?

Nicholas Jordan

My plan just now is to seek Vulture Capital with the idea we could put together enough to pitch, then let Investors have whatever we can put together on the idea we can make enough in one package to pitch at an actual studio — which could see the project through.

Tsara Shelton

Lovely to meet you, Tony!! And yes, for folks who love creativity and collaboration and support, Stage 32 is fantastic!! And who doesn't love creativity, collaboration, and support? Hugs!! ~Tsara

Only Harmony

Nice to meet you please let me know if u need music or a singer

Anne Marie Robinson

Hi Tony, I have several female driven comedies that need funding, if you fund comedy. If you're interested in reading, let me know! Best of luck to all your endeavors. : )

Dave Bazan
Comedy Script with Strong Latino lead

Other than Inktip like companies, does anyone have suggestions on where to send a Latino / Hispanic comedy spec script? The story is called Suicide - The Comedy, and it has strong female leads. I would not mind sending it to actresses, but have no clue where to even locate contact email addresses. Any help out there?

Anne Marie Robinson


Anne Marie Robinson

oops, IMDB Pro. Call managers and look for other producers of similar stuff and call them too.

Anne Marie Robinson
Introducing myself.....

Hi All! I'm an ex NYC dancer turned comic and writer. I performed sketch comedy in NYC and have written 3 screenplays, working on number 4. Learning as I go! I'm working on one with a producer/mentor and teaching yoga as a vocation. I've been in film production as a wardrobe assistant and extra. I'm...

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Anne Marie Robinson
Creating conflict

What are some great ways to add conflict to scenes? Any rules of thumb?

Dave Bazan

The creator and writer of Mash... I forget his name, said, "Always put your characters in the last place on earth they want to be."

Dave Bazan

No Problem, If my limited skills can help you with something let me know.

Anne Marie Robinson

Great advise! thanks all.

Jana Lee

"The Women" is nothing BUT conflict. Have you watched it recently? I think nothing beats really sharp, deadly wit, because the other characters all react in different ways.

Jana Lee

The 1939 version.

Anne Marie Robinson
Keepin' on keepin' on.

Hi Everyone! I could say the same thing Antonio Campbell just did. I have several comedy screenplays under my belt and 1 in the hands of the comedian of my dreams! I continue to study, write and market. I have also done wardrobe for some small budget indies and teach a great vinyasa yoga class to keep $ and energy flowing.

Anne Marie Robinson
Looking for production for a screenplay

I've been working to find a production company to fund a screenplay and have gotten great feedback but no interest. I posted it if anyone wants to take a look. It's a female driven comedy. Any suggestions are welcomed.

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