Richard Thrift: Actor, cinematographer and director in Toms River, New Jersey.

Julie Stern
Hi I just joined Stage 32

Hi everyone looking to find creatives and business people for several projects. Main focus is finding a comedy writer/collaborator (preferably in NY but possibly LA) for a comedy TV pilot who has written pilots. Looking for witty along the vein of Curb.

I’ve been in the film industry for 20 years ini...

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Cee Nelson

Welcome Julie, I am interested in hearing more about this!

Mike Fox

I'd love to collab and connect.

Sam Mannetti

Welcome to the community Julie! I am the Director of Script Services at Stage 32. Great to have you here!

Daejha Milan
Owner of Adult Film Festival Lv

Just wanted to say Hi. I'm new here. Not looking for new talent, a boyfriend, dates or to give anyone a job. Literally just wanted to say Hi n see what this community is about

John Stopa

Hello! Would love to know more about your film festival....

Daejha Milan

John u have mail My Dear.

Richard Thrift

It's all about filmmaking.

Richard Thrift
How To?

How does one run an effective crowdfund campaign? What are the musts and must nots?

Richard Thrift

IMDb Pro page is not on my top priority list, having fun and making films is.

Bradley Bergling

One of the best ways for crowdfunding -- look at what has worked from other campaigns. Not just their kickstarter pages, but where else they have a media presence. As crowdfunding continues to age, pe...

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Kiril Maksimoski

If I was going to back it, I need to see determination, motivation and some value background of course.

Darren Roberts
Hello My name's Darren

Hello everyone, my name's Darren Roberts and I'm a scriptwriter based in Kent in England.

I've been writing for around 15 years and haven't had a great deal of luck so far, I've come annoyingly close quite a few times though, but I'm currently working on making a teaser/sample scene for a feature film.

Chad Stroman


Lawrence Whitener

Jolly Ole! My Sci-Fi script won in The Monkey Bread Tree contest there in London last year. Interesting name for festival, 'Ey, what--son?

Heidi Schussman

As Winston Churchill said, Never, Never, Never give up!

Richard Thrift

All projects are on hold till May of 2020. Once May has hit we hope to have raised enough money to fund two films.

Karen Goldfarb
Screening Fee at Film Festivals

Hi.. I was recently asked what I would charge as a screening charge for my film to be shown at a film festival. Does anyone know what the going rates are? The film is a one hour documentary. Thanks!

Mitchell Stephenson

Good information.

Mitchell Stephenson

Is it common for filmmakers to pay an additional fee after their film has been selected? Just to be seen in the festival?

Antwon Taylor

Not necessarily. Feel free to email me 1979

LindaAnn Loschiavo
An actress's dentures are on display in a museum

Mae West went to great lengths to draw people's attention to her perfect smile. But she wore false teeth. Who has the dentures now? Hint: they are in California.

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LindaAnn Loschiavo

Yes. Richard Thrift But a lady never kisses and tells.

JD Hartman

Perhaps 60 Minutes will do a story on the secret location of Mae's teeth.

I believe they are enshrined here: California claim exi...

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LindaAnn Loschiavo

What a link! Thank you so much. JD Hartman

Richard Thrift

Has S32 outgrown itself and become a black void? It feels like it.

B.V Jottsonne

well when you live in a world where there are only five or six films a year worth talking about and a fish stick film will win all of the awards......but I'd rather be here than at a university sponsored poetry reading.

Caitlin Burt
why is sharing your work considered spam by stage32? I guess they want people to just talk about doing things and never actually do them

I wrote and shot this short monster movie in a day. Make your short, pick your role, do whatever you want to do. oh, and have me in your movie please...

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Beth Fox Heisinger

I enjoyed this too. I didn't mind the 'found footage' style in the middle, rather works to separate sections. Perhaps a little too long in places... editing. Loved the creepy sound at the end! Lovecra...

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Caitlin Burt

Thanks Ryan, and Beth. It's great to get feedback. Duly noted about the editing. And I'll check out the short of the week.

Sam Borowski

Caitlin is it your goal to be more of a filmmaker or actress? Or both? Also, while I won't post it here, should you want feedback on your short, feel free to message me. But, always strive to do the BEST work you can do.

Skyler Thomas


I am brand new to Stage 32, and just wanted to say hello to everyone! Hope 2018 is treating everyone well, and I'm excited to be a part of the community! Thanks!


Skyler Thomas

John Ellis


Mary Helen Norris

Welcome to the site!

Allen Lynch

Welcome Skyler!

Richard Thrift
Dodowa International Film Festival Ready for our second year!

Check out our film festival and support a great cause in the process. :)

Richard Thrift

Dodowa Internaitonal Film Festival - finally some pictures! :)

Richard Thrift

Check out the films page on site and support the indiegogo campaign!

Richard Thrift
How to???

This is literally the question. How to run an effective Crowdfunding Campaign? What works? What does not? What goes on the MUST - DO list and what goes on the NEVER DO list? What is tried and tested "Eureka" formula?

Doug Nelson

Richard, You got to show the folks what you can do first; you fail to do that - and you've slammed the door on yourself. All the wishin' and hopin' for free money just ain't gonna get it. It's just the hard core truth.

Richard Thrift
Stage32 Could Be Doing More

I would Like To See More f/book-esque features here. If you are creating a film and had a closed group on-site as well as maybe partnering with a company like CeltX so they integrate a free (or S32 begins pro accounts) version of their studio with Stage32.

I just feel there is not enough room to create and promote here. It sounds weird I know.

Richard's network

David Ogunde
Shaw H. Burrows
Sandra Di Girolamo
London Moquin
Michelle Lublin
Rosie Gordon
Jessica Devlin
David Discenza
Dan Gorski
Nicholas P
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