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GENRES: Fantasy, Comedy
A girl name name Barbra Roberts does a wish to become the famous Barbie Doll. Little does she know she gets her wish and actually becomes Barbie herself
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GENRES: Drama, Comedy
Zach Morris and his friends cause a lot of trouble around Bayside and Los Angels. But a rich kid name Maxwell Nerdstrom tries to take it over and replace Zach as school president.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
The daughters of Jack Utonium/Samurai Jack and Ashley Isenmen Utonium/Ashi are now teenage girls who are raised with sugar, spice, and everything nice. But danger comes as Jack's old enemy Richard Hardley also creates powerful Children of his own and creates Princess Morbucks and her evil powerful brothers known as the Rowdyruff boys. And The Powerpuff girls must stop Princess Morbucks and the Rowdyruff girls from destroying Townsvile.
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GENRES: Action, Mystery
In Edmonds, Washington in fall of 1976, a young boy with high functioning autism name Alex Aussmen is thrown out of Lynnwood High School because of failing grades and with no sign of social development. Alex ends up running away from his parents and stumbles upon an antique store where he meets Emily Romney who is a fortune teller and a former social worker during the JFK administration and she sees a lot of potential in Alex to be undercover secret agent. Alex gets adopted by Emily and starts training him to be a secret agent. Alex’s first mission is to stop a group of communist thugs from blowing up Seattle Center and Seattle, Washington and has to stop them before they blow up the city using a crystal ball bomb.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
After the events that happen in Powerpuff girls, Dexter meets new friends of his own who end up accidentally becoming superheroes themselves. Dexter also finds Mandark also kidnapped Dee Dee and using his science knowledge and his new friends. Dexter has to save Dee Dee before it's too late and kill Mandark.
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GENRES: Comedy, Drama
Johnny moves from Townsville to Los Angeles to escape the events that happened in Powerpuff girls. And when he is in Los Angeles meets Suzy Wallmen for the first time. And he also meets Pebbles and Bam Bam Rubble who are from the Dinosaur era and their parents are Fred Flinstone and Wilma Flinstone and Barney and Betty Rubble. And they friend Johnny. Johnny gets taken advantage by a guy name Frank Burger who is Suzy's new guardian that does not treat Suzy very well. Johnny in this very twisted and crazy adventure has to help Suzy and take care of her with the help of new characters Pebbles and Bam Bam Rubble and the Kids Next Door and the Ed boys.
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GENRES: Thriller, Action
Johnny Quest is raised by Samurai Jack and the Powerpuff girls. And they raise him and take care of him as father Dr. Benton Quest in federal prison. And they raise him as the last American solider. with the heroes of the generational war getting older. Johnny has to use training from Samurai jack and the powerpuff girls to save the world and save the United States of America from being destroyed by the evil Dr. Zinn as Zinn opens the box of evil as he takes control of China and middle east and controls their army and declares war on the US and Johnny leads the US navy and the army into battle against Zinn
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GENRES: Drama, Fantasy
Phoebe Bammerson/Pebbles Flintstone Rubble and Brian Bammerson/Bam Bam Rubble throw a really huge and giant cave man era party and cave man era weeding for a lot of the Cartoon Network Characters that are getting married. And most importantly, they all tell them the story of their parents Wilma Flintstone and Fred Flintstone and Barney and Betty Rubble.
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GENRES: Sci-fi, Action
Dick Grayson moves from Gotham City to New York and goes to Manhattan University, and he meets five other teenagers at Manhattan U and be-friends them and they become heroes just like him and they have defeat Dr. Light and Two Face.
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GENRES: Comedy, Drama
3 boys from Detroit Michigan get into trouble can't graduate from high school and wreck up the graduation really bad. They end up falling into Lake Michigan and sinking into the lake for 3 mouths and end up in Chicago,Illinois and start building their destiny in creating jaw breakers.
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GENRES: Action, Mystery
5 teenagers from Detroit, Michigan with a lot of spy gadgets and gadget like guns go on a lot of strange missions around the city and are weird, crazy, and silly, and very very smart but have a lot of heart and they have to stop Mojo Jo Jo, The Delightful Children From Down The Lane, and Father from destroying Downtown Detroit and blowing up the city. But the Kids are next door as they get help from Samurai Jack and Ashi and also help from the gadgets that Johnny Bravo and the Ed boys created as well.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
Jason, Kimberly, Trini, Zach, and Billy meet Tommy Oliver who sadly has a very awful streak and is brainwashed by Rita Repulsa and Lord Zedd. And the Power Rangers must save the world from the darkness of the green ranger.
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GENRES: Action, Comedy
The future is a very crazy, awful, terrible, and a really confusing place that doesn't make any sense.
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GENRES: Action, Fantasy
A sophomore from the University of California Berkley uses the power of Native Americans to turn himself into a grizzly bear and his friend gets turned into a red bird and they work together to save his sister from the evil Gruntilda
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
The Teenagers With Attitude face with a new enemy in Master Vile and the bloom doom. And the Mighty Morphin Power Rangers must save Earth before Zedd and Vile turn everyone in the world into Killer Bees and turn earth into a Killer bee hive.
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GENRES: Action, Animation
All of the Kongs are gathered around Cranky's Hut as Cranky tells the story of how he use to be evil and how Mario defeated him. At the same time, Donkey Kong III does not want to be a villain like Cranky was and wants to do something different with his life. But in doing so, the other kongs try to capture him and bring back to Cranky 3 times.
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GENRES: Thriller, Fantasy
The Princess is under a sleeping curse of spindle of a spinning wheel and must receive true love's kiss. And the evil Maleficent wants to destroy the great land of England and King Stefan's castle and kingdom. Only one man with a heart of bravery and the last remaining prince of England can stop the evil scorress and break the sleeping curse and save the kingdom from the mistress of evil.
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GENRES: Action, Thriller
A little girl name Penny is kidnapped by Medusa and her henchman Snoopes. And she is being held at an evil and very creepy looking river boat in Devil's Bayou in New Orleans, Louisiana. Penny not only tries to escape from the evil location. But she drops a message in a bottle that ends up in New York City. As the bottle is in New York City, it gets found by a young man who works as janitor at the United Nations building name Bernard. And he finds it on the ground, As Bernard is going home he meets a rescue aid society agent name Bianca on a city bus and helps her find Penny. Little do they know, an evil organization run by Medusa has a lot of thugs all most everywhere in the United States of America. And also Bernard and Bianca find out that Medusa has access to almost every security camera and that she is spying on almost every citizen in the country and it was how she was able to kidnap Penny in the first place. Bernard and Bianca end up going on a very dangerous and very deadly and very violent mission to save Penny and take her back to New York and back to the Orphan edge. And at the same time they have destroy the Devil's eye diamond before Medusa uses it for her evil plan to brain-wash every American citizen to go crazy destroy every part of American culture and turn the country in a communist hell hole.
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GENRES: Action, Drama
Ace Ventura is now in New York City is now on another case after his 1st case in Miami. But as he is in the big apple, he encounters a new villain name Sarah Bourquin who wants to creates new jewelry to create a lot weapons and creates a giant cat robot to destroy New York City. Ace now has to save a lot of cats and return the cats back to their owners and stop Sarah Bourquin and save New York City.
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GENRES: Comedy, Fantasy
An Asian American Teenager from Issaquah, Washington finds out that he is not going to his dream school at the University of Washington and is going to UCLA instead. He also finds out that he has another brother that looks nothing like him that his parents never told him about Intel now. He meets a lot of new strange friends and learns how to accept new people even if they are strange and crazy.
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GENRES: Action, Crime
A sophomore college student from the University of Miami goes from studying to be a police officer to becoming a private animal and pet detective. Ace also has to rescue his girlfriend Jessica Monroe and rescue her dog from the evil Frank Tingles and his evil henchmen name Marco Claro. With the help of Max Vandinga and Melissa Robinson, Ace puts his police officer and detective skills and love for animals to the test and rescue Jessica and her dog before Tingles floods the city of Miami with a water flooding weapon and also stop him before he poisons a lot of beauitful and stunning college girls with dog DNA and with make up with poison inside of it.
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GENRES: Action, Crime
A Young man from Ohio State University gets his body blown up and gets taken to the hospital and gets a lot of metal and gadgets into body. The Young man goes from nerdy college student to a Cleveland police department inspector with gadgets in his body and goes after an evil and crazy man with gray hair who calls himself "Dr.Claw"
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GENRES: Thriller, Action
A young man name Arthur Wartleson who works in library around Manchester, England is someone that nobody knows anything about until a university student name Lionel Jay interviews him for his school report and finds out that he use to be King Arthur I the first and Arthur tells his story on his life to Lionel and how he became king and about the stories of the adventures Merlin would take him on.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
A boy name Tobey Tenma dies in a huge accident in Upstate New York. But his father Dr. Tenma ends making a new version of his son using special liquid as he creates a teenage version of Toby. But as Toby is rebuilt, not only he does realize that he is a robot but he also sees a lot of danger as an evil robot name Pluto wants to destroy New York City with other robots he has created. Tobey ends up becoming Astro Boy and has to save the world and defeat the evil Pluto.
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GENRES: Sci-fi, Action
For the first time since 2001 Jimmy Neutron returns to the big screen in this live action, crazy, silly, wild, and raunchy re-imagining live action story. And in this story, Jimmy and his friends are a lot older and in their 20's and Jimmy wants to use to his science to help people. But things go really wrong as Jimmy turns Ms. Fowl young again and not only does she becomes more smarter and faster, she ends up dating Eustace Strytch and he uses his money and his wealth to make Ms. Fowl fancy looking and he even turns Professor Calamitous young as well. Eustace and Professor Calamitous end up using a machine that turns everyone in Retroville 21 and Jimmy needs to blast off into space and he needs to save Betty Quinlan and save Carl before it's too late and before they destroy the world.
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GENRES: Fantasy, Drama
Josie is a girl in crystal cove who is a really shy girl. But with her powerful singing voice and her sweet and nice personality, she ends up forming a really wild band that takes the country on a very wild ride. And these girls are queens of the jungle.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
A College student from New York City gets infected chemical X and gets trained by a magical emperor in Japan. And he becomes not only a undercover CIA agent, but he also becomes the warrior known as Samurai Jack and he has stop Aku before Aku destroys New York City with his dark magic.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
The world and the west is under an attack by the evil robot Atlas and Dr. Hyde and Dr. Tenma. Only one teenager with robot powers can stop all three of them.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
The girl with the power of the moon and with new friends that have the powers of the planet of Mars and Mercury have to use their powers and gifts to find Serna's brother before it's too late.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts find a scientist name Michael Elfun who tells them about the stories of his father the first Dr. Elefun and builds a time traveling machine to 1968 to find Tobey Tenma. But as things even more darker as Queen Beryl is also in the 60's as well and she manages to brain wash Astro Boy and hack into robot systems and use Astro Boy against Sailor Moon and the Sailor Scouts in this big cross over story
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
A Young Boy from Seattle, WA gets adopted by The Donavons and has a cruel childhood. And as a teenager, he suffers from an accident by the Cedar River and his body gets stabbed by thorns and gets burned up really badly. But in result of this, every time he gets mad or scarred he starts screaming and he starts burning up into an red and orange costume with a red mask and he becomes Nelson Fire and becomes the hero Seattle needs.
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GENRES: Action
Kevin's daughter Emily is missing in Downtown Chicago during the Christmas season. But from learning about Christmas stories from her dad, she is able to defend for herself and runaway from the wet and sticky bandits. Emily does her best to defend herself and at the same time, Kevin and his wife Melissa try to find Emily before Christmas Eve
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GENRES: Action, Crime
The son of Anthony Corelone is kidnapped by thugs from Venezuela and by a Venezuelan gangster and he gets kidnapped by them. The son escapes and finds out about his grand-father Michael Corelone and he gets hold of Michael Corelone's money in Italy and he uses the money to infiltrate into a globalist company called Golden Cobra Capital and reads about his they are an evil globalist company and vows to destroy and take down that company and destroy and kill their CEO Lance Plummer and Roberto Robert Corelone vows to rebuild the Corelone empire and Corelone crime syndicate and rebuild and reboot the family to it's full glory with help his uncle Vincent Corelone from the Godfather Part III and new connections.
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GENRES: Action, Animation
The whole dairy world is being taken over and William the Kid has stolen all of the dairy cows and there is now dairy milk anymore in the world. And only a 22 year old red fox from New Hampshire wearing a white tuxedo can stop him and save the world and destroy the milky weapon of destruction.
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GENRES: Action
Snowflake is missing, there is chaos and destruction in Miami, Only one man who loves animals and pets can find Snowflake in time for the Dolphins season opener and put a stop to the madness.
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GENRES: Sports, Comedy
John Tucker is back and for the first time since 2006 John Tucker returns to the big screen. John Tucker is now the owner & Chairman of the new Seattle Supersonics NBA team. this makes Kate Spencer go crazy as not only does she not like John after all these years, her son Nolan ends up being drafted by the Sonics and ends up playing for John Tucker.
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GENRES: Action, Drama
The United States of America is being threaten by the evil Dr. Eugene Warmelt who wants to turn everyone in the world in the United States into Guinea Pig. And he will stop at nothing to do so. When the world and when America is in trouble. The world counts on Ace Ventura: Pet Detective to save the world
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GENRES: Action, Drama
A Girl name Carmen Solvo who lives in Bellevue, WA is sadly kidnapped by an evil doctor name Dr. Sara Bellum and the doctor ends up drugging her real bad and putting a lot of drugs and liquid medicine inside of her brain and her body and transforming her into a criminal and criminal weapon and she becomes the evil red fedora and red jacket wearing criminal known as Carmen Sandiego.
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GENRES: Action, Drama
Dr. James Possible creates dangerous weapons that get captured by Dr. Lipsky and they are used for evil. Years later, James' daughter Kim discovers the dark secrets about her father and his project and she starts becoming an ultimate secret agent weapon stop Lipsky.
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GENRES: Action, Mystery
A British College student who lives with his father that use to be an MI6 agent, teams with another crazy and wild student name Basil. And the 2 young men build a secret agency known as Basil Exception. And need to take down an evil and crazy robot and fembot creator name Richard Wheeler.
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GENRES: Action, Comedy
the son of mayor of Fred Jones Sr. now is a teenager at Crystal Cove High School and he meets new friends and they set up Mystery Inc and must save their town from an evil knight with the help of Shaggy Rogers, Velma Dinkley, Daphne Blake, and a talking, foul mouthed and crazy dog name Scooby Doo.
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GENRES: Action, Fantasy
A Boy from the forest runs away and he goes to the Land of Hyrule and meets Princess Zelda and learns about the tri force and goes on a huge quest for the spiritual stones and chamber of sages medallions. Link has to get all of these things to defeat Gannondorf and make Hyrule a great land again.
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GENRES: Romance, Comedy
Arnold is having his 21st birthday party with his friends in Hillwood, there maybe some teenagers from the suburbs that want to crash it very badly.
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GENRES: Action, Drama
America is under attack by Mojo Jo Jo and by his Antifa army, Samurai Jack and the Powerpuff girls must team up with The Justice Friends, The Jetsons family, and the Kids Next Door to Save the United States of America.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
The Powerpuff Girls are under attack by Him, Sedusa, The Gang Green Gang and Fuzy Lumpkuns. And also under attack by a new Aku in the form of Mitch Mitchelson. The girls must use their powers to stop all of these new villains.
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GENRES: Action, Comedy
It is now the 2001 and a lot of has changed since the days of the Anchorman of the 70's and 80's. And Walter Burgundy is now grown up but he is a big time trouble maker in San Diego and he's more a party boy then anything. That all changes with Veronica Cordingstone Burgundy kicks Walter out of the house and he ends up getting sucking into the ocean is in the ocean for 2 years in 1999 only to end up in Miami, Florida in October of 2001, Walter ends up becoming homeless and working as a janitor at Channel 13 news in Miami, but by remembering his father a lot, Walter ends up going from janitor to head anchor at channel 13 news and then later on a back up anchor on Fox news. Walter gets his own news team and a new girlfriend by his side and keeps on anchorman legend and legacy alive in the 2000's.
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GENRES: Action, Sci-fi
A Young boy name Jason Scott and his family move to Angel Grove, CA. Jason is a very shy and quite but a very strong teenager and has a very good heart. Jason is quickly at Angel Groove High School is a loner but he quickly makes friends with Billy Cranston and Trini Kwan. And also catches the eye of popular girl Kimberly Hart as well. But as Jason runs away from his new school after a bully incident, Jason goes to a river in the woods and he falls down off a cliff. Jason's new friends try to save him but they sink down and they are chosen by the spirits of ancient dinosaurs. Jason and his new friends meet Zordon and Alpha 5 and learn that Rita Repulsa wants to destroy Earth just like how she destroyed the dinosaurs many years ago. Jason and his friends don't believe him at first, but trouble really starts Rita attacks 4 different Angel Groove Police officers and also attacks 5 different buildings in Los Angeles, CA. Also at the same time, Rita uses her dark and evil magic and she turns 3 students name Peter Rubinsen, Miles Aikmen, and Angela that bully Jason and the rest of the kids and she turns them into Goldar, Scorpina, and King Sphinx monster as well. They even mange to kidnap Jason's love interest name Emily. Jason and his new friends must use their morphers and stop Rita and her monsters and become the Mighty Moprphin Power Rangers and save the world from her dark and evil spell.
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GENRES: Action, Animation
Spy Fox is on the misson of his life in this 2nd as he has to chase Russian Blue around the world and get the slimburger cheese back and also stop Bigpig and the defeat King Konglomerate and save the world.
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