Hello everyone, glad to make some new friends and new connections, I have been tabling in photography since I was a teenager and over the years it became my passion. I am also an artist in just about all of the mediums and before my illness, Fibromyalgia and Lupus reached the point where painting wa...
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What an encouraging story. It's wonderful to hear that you are still evolving as an artist and still getting work out there.
I think sometimes if I didn't have bad luck, I would have no luck at all. I woke up last Thursday morning and got up and started to make my bed and I raised my arms and the right one raised and the le...
Expand commentI think sometimes if I didn't have bad luck, I would have no luck at all. I woke up last Thursday morning and got up and started to make my bed and I raised my arms and the right one raised and the left one didn't, pain went down my arm that resembled getting shocked by electricity and all I could do was scream. I couldn't move it, I could move my fingers and move my hand but my arm I had nothing but this pain, so I just thought I was having a fibro and Lupus flare combined, so gave myself a shot and tried to calm down and the pain let up. All day it just this throbbing, stabbing electric pain was just shooting down my arm. So I finally went to hospital and made it to the emergency room. Our local hospital treats autoimmune disease patients like hypochondriacs so to them I was having a stroke, so when all of the tests came back normal, I was released and told to call my DR. and I did. So the Ortho Dr. did all of his testing and of course I get the pleasure of basically reading the X-rays. Now the million dollar question is "How do you go to sleep on Wed. with full use of arm and wake up next day to Disease Hell?" Well, Osteoarthritius is a disease that runs in my mom's family, it is also known as crippling arthritis, it is hard telling how long it has been there slowly growing like grass in and around my shoulder rotary cup so now I do have a left hand that is useable and sociable on a keyboard. I can even raise my arm a whole 5 inches. So now we monitor the growth. So I just got to keep busy and pretend the pain is not there. It sure has given me some story ideas and found out that you can self-publish and I do counseling for Fibro and Lupus. I have plans to do a documentary and some other things, I just try to stay busy.