I've been neglecting this account for far too long, but in the intervening years, a lot of fun stuff has happened over here at Best of Both Media. Check out some of our recent work! https://vimeo.com/269970510
I've been neglecting this account for far too long, but in the intervening years, a lot of fun stuff has happened over here at Best of Both Media. Check out some of our recent work! https://vimeo.com/269970510
MoVi Walkthrough Test on our 5D Mark III. Special Thanks to Doug Moser and Andy Rubenoff for allowing us to film in their beautiful home. Music "Majesty" Dexter Britain dexterbritain.co.uk
We made it onto the Freefly Systems Instagram feed! https://www.instagram.com/p/_UeS3YP_FZ/
https://instagram.com/p/3iUGm9FH2N/ Just close your eyes and think happy thoughts... #WelcomeToHell #TimesSquare #RollCamera #MōVI #M15 #Marriott
Check out our latest commercial that premiered exclusively on instagram: http://instagram.com/p/030AVNI6Fk/
Check out our latest spot, this time a collaboration between street artist HOTTEA and the fine folks at Fancy.com https://vimeo.com/122027490
One of my New Years resolutions is being better about making use of Stage 32. In honor of that, here's a look at the commercial I directed for Brooklyn Bean Roastery at the end of 2014: https://vimeo.com/114496737
The director's cut of our first commercial for Brooklyn Bean Roastery. Cast includes Evan Hoyt Thompson, Andy Rocco, and Susan Burns. A huge thanks to our terrific cast and crew. See you all on the next one! All rights to Keurig, Green Mountain Coffee, and Brooklyn Bean Roastery are retained by their respective owners. Temp music written by Immediate Music and Ramin Djawadi.
Ryan, I would love to be part of your creative journey. Soon I'll face my second screenplay completed. My first screenplay was optioned by Spirit Rider productions. I'd be honored if you'd like to read my next screenplay. By any chance do you know any good theater directors?
I am a very good theater director.... You can contact me at: andrea@holisticPR.com
Climbing Higher Pictures 2014 MoVi Reel. All footage was shot on our Freefly MoVi M10 with a variety of cameras. Includes footage from: The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon - Rollerblading Promo Topps - Huddle/Kick Gatorade - Fierce Crobot - Nowhere to Hide Buffalo Picture House - NYCB Gala Presentation Barbarian Group - Introducing the Superdesk The Horse Thing - More Like Shrek (Coming Soon!) Climbing Higher Pictures - Alice
Hello Ryan, thanks for the add!
Thanks for the connection, Ryan!
Hi, Ryan!
Thanks for the connection, Ryan! Very beautiful short. Nicely shot. Hope to possibly collaborate with you someday. Hope all is well.
Good to know you Ryan. Best
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Nice work