Karina Wilson's Lounge Discussions

Sydney S
Upcoming lab! Write A Killer Outline For Your Horror Feature!

Stage 32 is excited to welcome Karina Wilson back for her upcoming lab!

Over eight weeks in an exclusive, interactive Stage 32 writing lab, you’ll work in a virtual class setting and get one-on-one time with Karina Wilson, one of the most sought-after horror story consultants in the industry. Karina...

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Rebecca Kirsch

Hello! My name is Becky and I will be participating in this lab. I have studied under Ms. Wilson previously and look forward to continuing to learn from her! Excited to begin soon!

Karina Wilson

It’s a privilege to have you back

Sydney S

Excited for the lab to begin tomorrow :) Email edu@stage32.com with any questions regarding the lab!

Sydney S

Excited to have you back for the lab Becky!

Sydney S
New Webinar! Maximizing The Horror: How To Craft Unforgettable Movie Monsters

Stage 32 is excited to welcome Karina back for this upcoming webinar. In this exclusive Stage 32 webinar, horror specialist Karina Wilson will guide you through everything you need to know to create a compelling horror movie villain for your horror project. Karina is an independent story and develop...

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Sydney S

See you guys on Monday, feel free to email me at edu@stage32.com for more info!

Sydney S

Thank you everyone for attending!

Maurice Vaughan

Incredible webinar, Karina Wilson!!! :D Really glad I was at this one! I plan on watching it again when it's on demand.

Karina Wilson

Glad you enjoyed it Maurice!

Maurice Vaughan

And your webinar comes at a great time because I'm outlining a monster spec script, Karina Wilson.

Sydney S
Screenwriting Lab: Rewrite Your Horror Script With A Top Story Editor!

In this professional screenplay rewrite lab you will take your horror script from good to great in 8 weeks while being mentored by a top horror expert who has worked on countless horror films including ROB ZOMBIE'S THE LORDS OF SALEM, 13 SINS with Ron Perlman, SKYLINE with Donald Faison, and movies...

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Sydney S

Email me at edu@stage32.com for more details!

Karina Wilson

I’m looking forward to meeting everyone

Amanda Toney
Horror writing lab with former in-house Story Consultant for Blumhouse

We are excited to kick off the new year bringing back one of our top rated instructors, Karina Wilson, to take a small group of writers through the process of a horror script concept to outlining it and then writing it. The lab filled up quickly and we are looking forward to getting to meet everyone...

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Jerrod D. Brito

Andy Flennoy That's how you know you're doing it right! lol I sent mine last night, but I'm not thrilled with it. I probably should have re-done it today but I got caught up with other stuff. :-/...

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Andy Flennoy

Jerrod D. Brito I guess that's what this lab is for, to improve are storyline over time.

Melanie McDonald

Hi everybody, thank you again for your pitching feedback today, and I look forward to hanging out with you all here on Stage 32. Also, here is a link to that great interview with director Jennifer Ree...

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Jerrod D. Brito

It's been a pleasure learning with you all! I look forward to seeing your progress and rooting for you and your scripts! Keep in touch if you'd like:


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Andy Flennoy

@Jerrod It's been my pleasure as well. It was unfortunate for me to lose connection towards the end of the lab but I enjoyed the parts I participated before that.

Karina Wilson
Horror Screenwriting Lab for 2022 - what would you like to see included?

Happy New Year everyone! You may know me from one of my webinars, or may have had a direct script consultation with me here on Stage32. If so, you’ll know I’m all about developing great horror stories at every level. I’m going to be teaching a series of Screenwriting Labs for Stage32 this year that...

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Rodrigo Lopez

Hi! I'm new to the platform but I already find this in my top priorities starting this year. I personally would love to see a brief look into the post-horror wave brought by directors like Ari Aster,...

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Karina Wilson

Subtext is a crucial part of the screenwriter's craft. Here are some of my tips. What are yours? http://litreactor.com/columns/screenwriting-nail-the-subtext

Vladimir Skomarovsky

Karina, I enjoyed reading your unique thinking. Your knowledge crosses the border of wisdom. The subtext contains the engine of drama. It's the gate for the hidden instinct to saturate action. After all, the tang is given to us to hide our thoughts and intentions. Thanks.

Kristopher Rickards

Thank you for highlighting your piece. When people have read my scripts in the past, I ask if they have spotted my subtext or motifs. Quite often I have to explain them, even when I thought I'd been blatant. I don't necessarily see that as a good endorsement of my writing, though.

Ewan Dunbar

Great topic to discuss! Some writers are afraid that readers may “miss it” but it is great to see when a writer weaves this into the narrative!

Amman Mohammed

(Ewan, Karen has been quite for a year...? ) It's a great article.

Amman Mohammed

For me, as a writer,

Text is film scripts, short scripts, and postcards,

Context is operation as a cinema art movement

and Subtext is a New Cinema.

There is also something called Over-text.

Karina Wilson
Turning Points

I like to think of turning points as a series of collisions that increase momentum, change direction and add some much-needed oomph to narrative progress. Read more at http://litreactor.com/columns/screenwriting-turn-turn-turn...

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Karina Wilson
Is screenwriting like speed dating?

You have to make a fantastic first impression in a limited space of time, in a pre-set format. Read more here: http://litreactor.com/columns/screenwriting-the-first-five-pages...

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Richard "RB" Botto

Thanks for sharing, Karina

Frank G. Lind

I love this posting! Great advice!

Karina Wilson
Is your screenplay a sausage fest?

Are you failing the Bechdel Test? Is your heroine a Smurfette? Do female characters speak less than a third of the dialogue in your screenplay? Having a problem representing three-dimensional, interesting, flawed women? Find some pointers here http://litreactor.com/columns/screenwriting-insert-woman...

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Jeremy Hunter

Last week I was still writing stereotypical women until I read about this online contest where you had to write a log line into a screenplay where the main charecter had to be a woman. I wrote this ac...

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