Hello, it's good to be here. I've written a few screenplays that entertained myself, at least, and I'd like to get them out there, so they could be made into films. I live in Los Angeles, so this sort of interest comes naturally. I've been in the periphery of the industry and writing for some time. Maybe my story is for you?
Hi Amanda O'Connor - so nice to meet you! I suggest reaching out to success@stage32.com and our team can help point you in the right direction....
Expand commentHi Amanda O'Connor - so nice to meet you! I suggest reaching out to success@stage32.com and our team can help point you in the right direction.
Welcome to the community!
It’s great to meet you here, Amanda. Welcome to the community! I’m the Director of Education at Stage 32. Email me anytime at edu@stage32.com if I can ever recommend any of our education for you or be...
Expand commentIt’s great to meet you here, Amanda. Welcome to the community! I’m the Director of Education at Stage 32. Email me anytime at edu@stage32.com if I can ever recommend any of our education for you or be of any help on your Stage 32 journey.
Hi Amanda, lovely to meet you! Be sure to check out the Screenwriting Lounge https://www.stage32.com/lounge/screenwriting. You can also post your loglines, and scripts if you like, here: https://www.s...
Expand commentHi Amanda, lovely to meet you! Be sure to check out the Screenwriting Lounge https://www.stage32.com/lounge/screenwriting. You can also post your loglines, and scripts if you like, here: https://www.stage32.com/loglines
Welcome to Stage 32 Amanda! I am the Director of Development Services at Stage 32. My team and I would love to learn more about what you are writing and point you to all the resources we have to offer...
Expand commentWelcome to Stage 32 Amanda! I am the Director of Development Services at Stage 32. My team and I would love to learn more about what you are writing and point you to all the resources we have to offer on Stage 32. Shoot me an email at success@stage32.com and let me know a little more about your scripts and your goals! Always happy to help.
5 people like this
Thank you guys for letting me know!
4 people like this
Also, is there a reason the list on Coverfly doesn't have all the scripts/names? It's a shorter selection than what I'm seeing on Stage 32 proper.
7 people like this
Congratulations to everyone!! My partner and I submitted CUDDLE BUDDIES. We created the half-hour comedy series, CUDDLE BUDDIES, to explore a very real phenomenon... the business of cuddling with stra...
Expand commentCongratulations to everyone!! My partner and I submitted CUDDLE BUDDIES. We created the half-hour comedy series, CUDDLE BUDDIES, to explore a very real phenomenon... the business of cuddling with strangers.
In a fast-paced demanding world where most people connect digitally and genuine emotional interaction is rare, people are desperately looking for human contact. CUDDLE BUDDIES provide the solution. Cuddling is a highly undervalued service that offers individuals actual connection with another person... human touch. Cuddlers are called upon to be life coaches, therapists and overall anxiety busters... all for an hour, a nap, or an overnight session.
7 people like this
Jessica Levine The scripts showing up on Coverfly are only the ones submitted to the contest through Coverfly. When the contest ends, writers are able to "claim" your placement through Coverfly and ad...
Expand commentJessica Levine The scripts showing up on Coverfly are only the ones submitted to the contest through Coverfly. When the contest ends, writers are able to "claim" your placement through Coverfly and add your accolades to your profile there as well.
2 people like this
I have submitted to so many places, I don't remeber if I submitted to this one!! I'll have to go back through my emails and on Coverfly.