The Stage 32 Videos: Filmscore

Wildlife in Africa re score

This scene was taken from the documentary series "wildlife in Africa". The composition and mixing process were done by me . If you want to use this track for a project You can buy a license here:

Horror Music Showreel

Hello, This is a collection of works for Horror Films I made during these last years. Some examples were taken from the cue tube website. Both the tracks you hear at the beginning and at the end of the video are mine .

Depths by Dan Horrigan

A man renews his vows with life in an eternal river.Written by Dan HorriganRead by James Sobol KellyComposed by Anna Helena

If You Cry We Will Kill You by Dan Horrigan

Written by Dan Horrigan Read by John Kamau Scored by Gideon K

SPRING - Music by Nela Ruiz #scorerelief2021

Music composition made for the #scorerelief2021 competition by Nela Ruiz @nelamusica. The cue tube.

#scorerelief2021 Spring_Navid Lancaster Rescore

scorerelief2021 Had lots of fun composing the music for this resocre competition. Using the four notes of the girl knocking as a leitmotif.Hosted by The Cue...

String Orchestra Playlist

Here is a 50-minute playlist consisting of eleven pieces from my string orchestra works.

Caminandes1_The Cue Tube_Navid Lancaster Rescore #thecuetube…

I used the same leitmotif that was used for the Llama in my first animation rescore and introduced a new leitmotif for the Armadillo. When they work together...
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